What Is Dyslexia? | Child Psychology
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Dyslexia is a very common term that I often hear parents use. Dyslexia actually means a reading disorder or a reading disability. Problems include difficulties with reading comprehension and understanding the main idea of what they're reading. Dyslexia is never a vision problem. It's just a difficulty with processing and understanding aspects of sound and language. There are many different strategies to help a child improve their problems with reading, such as specialized interventions in reading remediation, speech and language therapies, and a combination of both oftentimes. Children can definitely improve their reading skills and abilities with reading tutors, reading coaches. There are very specialized speech and language therapists that can also help strengthen a child's reading skills. First their Dyslexia has to be diagnosed, which can be done through the collaboration of teachers, school psychologists, and a clinical professional. So these are some of the key concepts in understanding a reading disorder or Dyslexia.