New Hornby Hitachi 0-4-0 Sentinel Shunter | Unboxing & Review

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0:00 Intro
2:56 Unboxing
6:38 Prototype History
7:43 Detail
13:27 Mechanism
21:25 Performance
25:28 Haulage Test
31:38 Ratings
24:54 Conclusion
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Chiaki Ueda is the name of the
Executive General Manager - Rail Group, Hitachi Europe Ltd.
The loco was rebuilt by Hunslet in 2007, hence the Hunslet name plate.


"It is what it is" Man I just can not agree at all for this, a 140% increase in price over 4 years is more than "It is what it is" it's highway robbery. This isn't even the case where the manufacturers can claim a $10 DCC board adds $100 to the price of a train.


Your absolutely right sam aviod at all costs we need at this point to look towards other manufacturers and aviod hornby until they sort themselves out, great review it's a lovely looking loco fit for display purposes only 😀


For anyone wanting to know it's
Chiaki Ueda
ちあき うえだ // Chi-a-ki U-e-da.
In Japanese, each syllable only has one vowel, and it's almost always at the end (n is the only consonant that can break that rule, and it's generally obvious like in nin-ten-do because "nte" and "ndo" aren't sounds humans can make). So if you see a word you know is japanese, a good rule is to stop each sound when you hit a vowel and you'll get it 90% of the time.


Do not joke about 2 pole motors, Graham Farish used these in their original 00 gauge locomotives. Rotating magnet and field coils with contacts to change the field direction every 180 degrees.


I had got an 0-4-0 (GRAYHAM) at fenwick for 80 pounds not to long ago, and well for the running it’s only probably was the stopping at points before but for disassembling the only problem was that one of the tail lights came of but I easily glued it back on, also the hand rails easily clipped in place.


Mine is great, got mine for a good price and found the realistic coupler is supposed to be placed on without the screwlink bit as its abit to slide in and out but i have a amazing experience with it!


If you think the chassis disassembly is ridiculous on this bugger, you should take a look at Rapido’s old MLW RS-18’s and ALCO RS-11’s! They literally had to make a whole instruction video just for the body removal of that singular type of loco.


Anyone remember the old Yellow Pages advert with the kid buying his Dad a Hornby signal box? Imagine it now...

"They've got one Mum!"

Ben empties his piggy bank, bikes all the way over to 'Townsends' and finds it's doubled in price and the roof is made out of cardboard 😆


i have ordered one of these today at my local maodel shop .he had one but was an order for another customer so could not remove from box. but i was impressed with it especaily the color scheme in the box looked quite impressive as why i ordered one .but after seeing your review i shal be cancelling first thing tommorow .and now looking for a good second hand old blue one like yours .which is a shame that in this day and age of technology old is better and very much cheaper than new .as its very pleasing to have a new model on your layout .so now with have to get excited with a used second hand one bummer .cheers sam for an excelent review and probably saving me £70 or more even though a used model is not as exciting as a spanking new one .thankyou


I do like how Hornby have retooled it to the modern image real life version especially with the different lights and grill design.


I can remember getting one around 5-6 years ago from Hornby direct for £36 when they had a sale on. I think retail was around £50 at the time of purchase.


Hi mukka, I have reached the end of my rope with the price rises. I have stopped shopping for new trains. I am fed up to the back teeth with this continual gouging by manufacturers and now Royal Mail has joined the bandwagon just to post them to me!

I only buy second hand stuff from Hattons these days... and even that has diminished to a trickle due to extortionate prices.

I am a 'train nut' but the ever increasing prices is destroying my enthusiasm. I am fighting back now by not buying anything new. Manufacturers take note.


Hey Sam, what a beautiful model, I appreciate your help in the email I sent yesterday, I plan on using it.


Hi Sam. Unrelated question: when it comes to your 3D printing equipment, have ya considered using a resin printer? I expect you've heard about these from your comments already, so I apologize for pestering you about it, but I think the higher-rez, finer detail parts would be right up your alley.


I did like the look of these but think i might give it a miss or look for a alternative/cheaper one great review as always and believe that these prices are going to slowly kill off this hobby very sadly lets hope the manufacturers realise this before its too late!


Hey sam, you inspired me to get back into model trains, i had an old devon flyer OO set but my brother brok the train and the power track lol, i ordered a new loco and track peice and am, on the way to fix the old one, just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration


11:47 When I have been in your neck of the woods I have found the wait staff to be excellent. In my neck of the woods we would allow the designer of this engine to pick trash, but not to drive the trash truck.


I bought one of these and painted it NATO green. It was about £60. It runs very well. I've also got two of the new 0-6-0 Sentinels to spray. I really hope they bring out the 0-8-0 version so I can paint it in the LMR Genreral Lord Robertson colours.


I wonder if fitting a 'stay alive' capacitor would overcome the 'gapping', at the price point seems a no brainer to me.
