THEY SILENCED ME: Barbara O'Neill EXPOSES The Deadly Breathing Mistake!

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THEY SILENCED ME: Barbara O'Neill EXPOSES The Deadly Breathing Mistake!

In this eye-opening video, Barbara O’Neill reveals The Deadly Breathing Mistake that could be harming your health without you even realizing it.

Barbara O’Neill’s Best Seller: Self Heal Book👇

Barbara O’Neill’s Natural Herbal Remedies Book👇

After being silenced for speaking the truth about lung health, Barbara is back to expose what you need to know about how air quality, breathing techniques, and common habits could be damaging your lungs. Learn how to avoid these dangerous mistakes, improve your lung function, and boost your overall energy with simple yet powerful changes to your lifestyle.

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Related Keywords:
Eternal Health,Eternal Health Barbara O'Neill,lung health,breathing mistakes,Barbara O'Neill,Barbara O'Neill lung health,Barbara O'Neill breathing techniques,air quality and lungs,how to breathe better,deadly breathing mistakes,improve lung function,lung capacity exercises,clean air tips,aerobic vs anaerobic breathing,how to prevent lung damage,harmful air pollutants,breathing and energy,Barbara O'Neill health tips,better breathing techniques

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Feel free to ask me anything here in the comments!❤

Barbara O’Neill’s Natural Herbal Remedies Book👇

Barbara O’Neill’s Best seller: Self heal Book👇

Discover Barbara O'Neill's Celtic salt choice👇

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Great stuff once again from Barbara. The science and explanations are very good.Personally I do cardio Mon, Weds, Friday and strength training the other weekdays which works for me.Good video.


Much useful information. THANKS
About mold (mould): Where does it come from? It always forms on damp surfaces. My AC wasn't cooling my house. The cooling coils (evaporator?) were cold, but I didn't get cold air. The filter was OK. But I noticed an accumulation of damp black mold on the cooling fins. This blocked the room air from passing through
the cooling fins. After spending much time blasting the fins with cleaner and hot water, I removed the mold. Now my AC works fine. You won't need a new AC. Just clean the fins. Then run your AC on Fan only until it dries the fins. Set the control on Cool, and feel the cold air.
If mold appears on damp surfaces, the spores must be in the air, the same air we inhale. Is the black mold deadly? I can't see that it is. Just slimy black goo.


Thank god for you, I love learning from you, everything is so logical. I’ve always seem to acknowledge my body’s healthy cravings, when I eat, it also tastes so good. My mom did train my taste buds to a variety of great foods. Thanks mom, thanks Barbara ❤


Ever wondered why dairy products leave you short of energy? Calcium and Iron compete for uptake in the blood and calcium wins. The lack of iron affects haemoglobin and oxygen transport around the body.


Dear Barbera. I got a question is about glucose reading, 3 months ago I was diagnosed with diabetes and my reading was over 300, and Hb1Ac was 6.6
I have been determined to knock this down .So no sugar, no alcohol, no carbohydrate a very strict diet of eggs, meat and cheese plus lots of vegetables.I have lost 18 kilos, overall I feel very alive .
I have a saune every day, I walk a lot and sleep a lots longer then in the past .
My reading for the last 28 days is 118, 14 days 103, 7 days is 102 .
Would you consider myself still as diabetic????
I need to go to my doctor in 10 days time and I am anxious to find out my Hb1Ac .
Kind regards and I love you Eternal Heath channel


Hi Barbara, any advice please for rectal cancer stage 4 natural pain management as I am not happy to use morphine. Thanks.


Why have they put you you Gail looking like a old lady❤


What logic Palm sugar is good, all sugars are same
