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Today we will Build the best possible Navia in Genshin Impact. Try to get the best Artifacts, Weapons, and Talents.

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Did you pull Navia? If so how did it go?


Guys, just something abt navia's kit which most of you probably know but one of her passive gives her more atk when you have 2 pyro/cryo/electro/hydro characters in the team so i highly suggest not running triple geo in navia's team comps, plus you can't gain any ammo stacks without crystalize for which you need pyro/cryo/electro/hydro characters. Navia's kit is also very anti-mono, and im pretty sure they did that on purpose cause itto is already the mono god at this point lol. But, at the end of the day it is your account so choose however you want to play, just wanted help anyone who was confused about her kit. If you have any questions do ask, ill try my best to help.


Use xiangling, zhiongli, bennett for double pyro buff so ur navia atk will be higher


The healing set Tldr version:
ocean hued clam but instead of dealing damage, it buffs your active character's base damage for 5 attack (Normals, skill, ult etc) up to 1200 (needs 15000 healing for max buff)


If you too lazy to pickup those shrapnel you can just hold her E and she will suck all of those shrapnel in front of you


For peeps asking for team comps, it's really all dependent on you. Her passive gives bonus Atk based on having 2 party members of a different element, but also as a Geo one of your strongest buffs easy buffs is the Geo team Resonance. So your ideal party includes 2 different elements, and one geo support to help her crystalize or spawn geo cores.

In order, I'd say her best partners are:
Albedo is perfect for her, He's doing his own really good Geo damage in a wide range, he's passively generating energy particles + helping create geo crystals. He has a really short cooldown on his skill so you can move and replace it regularly with now downtime, and it last long enough for you to place it first in every rotation. You'll pretty much always have crystals so you can keep the geo resonance passive active as long as you're not getting hit. His biggest problem stems from how his signature weapon is no longer available so his damage output can vary if you don't have it, though Harbinger of Dawn is still his stronger f2p option.

Ninnguang can be a perfect driver for her. She's buffed by the same new set that Navia is, she's a strong 4* dps in general, has plenty of weapon options that are useful, and just needs an off-field dps to generate off of. She'll pretty much do all the same things that Albedo does, but as an on-field unit. Her wall also gives a damage bonus when walked through so she gives a little direct support to navia as well.

Zhongli works perfectly, at least a c1. Geo's resonance requires a shield to be active, and with Zhongli's own shred you're getting 40% geo shred passively just by having a shield. His problem is that his pillar can be on a long cool-down if you use his shield first and has poor range so he could be pretty bad at generating crystalize and energy which would be important for Navia. C1 somewhat remedies this issue by allowing 2 pillars, but they're easy to destroy and still have short range. He's also not doing as much damage as the other options without full uptime on his own burst.

Gorou can work, but only if you take 3 geo users on one team. She doesn't benefit at all from his Def buff, and she can't get his Geo buff without 3 geo's on one team. He at least drags in crystalize shards himself so you won't have to chase them down as much. This is absolutely not worth it if he's not c6 and not running him with Albedo who benefits from all his buffs. Also since it'll be 3 geo's just to get Navia any good buffs, you'll need a really good elemental appliar on field, but if Navia/Gorou/and Albedo would be on the same team, that character can be a on-fielder like Ayato or Catalyst dps so you can generate the maximum amount of shards in the shortest amount of time so navia can pop off fully charged shots.

As for non elemental partners:

Bennett will be one of her absolute best. As a geo atk scaler, there aren't many other ways to make her stronger outside of Bonus Damage and Absurd amounts of Atk. Other elements can rely on EM or reactions amps, but since geo can't you only ever need to increase those two stats and there is literally noone who compares to bennett in Atk. If you have c6 Benny as well, you don't really need another applier on the team, Navia could create shards herself during her burst if she wanted.

Anyone who does off field damage and offers a benefit to Navia would be good. Furina is a busted full team damage buffer who does off field damage herself so she's good. Xiangling is benny's perfect partner so she can hit hard while off field. Yae Miko hits hard as an electro applier + catalyst user for shards, Etc. Anyone with consistent application can work here, but I'd say the one's named are her best. Mostly because you don't want that applier to be reliant on their own burst/energy if they don't share an element with anyone on the team.


The new sets buffs dmg based on heals up to 15k(not sure if raw dmg or direct dmg)


Navia isn't good in mono geo, i think you missed that she has a pasive that gives her a ton of attack for each party member that isn't geo.
Her best teams involve either 1 or 2 geo at most, you benefit a lot more from putting non-geo characters to create as many cristalize shields as possible


From what I heard about Navia mono geo isn’t her best team, obviously you want one geo support for crystallise but Also for crystallise you want other elements


Tip for Navia, never run her with 2 other Geo characters since she has a passive that gives a total of 40% atk boost of theres Pyro/Electro/Cryo/Hydro character in the team and it doesnt need to be different elements. Navia's entire kit doesnt support mono geo at all so Gorou doesnt help her.


The new healing set is basically Ocean Hued Clam, but instead of dealing damage, it buffs your active character, but it is not that useful since it has a short duration


Got both her and her axe currently she's level 90 and the axe well, leveled her talents to 676 I am currently using a four piece set of gladiators as a placeholder till I can farm hers, but quite frankly love the character


Yaay, good thing you upload rn, best timing ever


You said Shrapnel like you never said that word in your entire life.


Song of Days Past builds up to 15, 000 heal value over 6s. After 6s it adds 8% of the stored value to the next 5 Normal, Charged, Plunge, Skill, or Burst's base damage.

That's the biggest thing that gets overlooked; this added damage gets factored into multipliers and can definitely overtake Ocean-hued Clam on the right characters.


I heard her best team is albedo/furina/Bennett you can change albedo with zhongli or furina with xiangling


“As you can see, we gain stacks of something called ‘Shrapnel’” 😂


literally just got navia in a single pull. i was saving my gaurenteed for arlecchino too.
today is sadge day for me


i'd go for another artifact set instead of marechaussee hunter since you already got a lot of crit from the weapon and the artifact substats itself. i'd go for 2 piece atk or golden troupe for more damage. of course the newest artifact is her BiS, however the domain is just opened recently so it is still difficult to get the good ones.


Kekvin: "pretty dead feather" then proceedes to lock it😂😂
