How to dockerize WordPress using docker-compose

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Dockerize WordPress in just 5 minutes!
In this tutorial I explain how to setup #Wordpress 5 project using popular tool #docker compose with MySQL database, Nginx and make full database backups. I show how to create new WordPress project and configure docker both for local WordPress development and for production. Also I show:
* how to use docker volumes
* how to re-use volumes from other containers
* how to setup Nginx config
* how to connect to MySQL database from PhpStorm
* how to send emails from docker
⭐️ Final result you can find here ⭐️
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🔗 Book O'Reilly "Head first design patterns"
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00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:19 Configure Docker for local development
00:03:15 Configure Docker for production
00:04:08 Connect to database from PhpStorm
00:04:46 Perform database backup
In this tutorial I explain how to setup #Wordpress 5 project using popular tool #docker compose with MySQL database, Nginx and make full database backups. I show how to create new WordPress project and configure docker both for local WordPress development and for production. Also I show:
* how to use docker volumes
* how to re-use volumes from other containers
* how to setup Nginx config
* how to connect to MySQL database from PhpStorm
* how to send emails from docker
⭐️ Final result you can find here ⭐️
⭐️ Resources ⭐️
🔗 Book O'Reilly "Head first design patterns"
⭐️ Support channel on Patreon ⭐️
Get € 20 on Hetzner Cloud hosting:
Register domain without hassle on GoDaddy
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:19 Configure Docker for local development
00:03:15 Configure Docker for production
00:04:08 Connect to database from PhpStorm
00:04:46 Perform database backup
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