Farewell, Gorilla Tag…..

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Farewell, Gorilla Tag..

Gorilla tag has been flooded with drama, and I’ve decided to quit content on the game..

gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #gtag #update #capuchin #hacker #new
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#gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #update #gtagghost #bubblesvr #new #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #update #gtagghost #bubblesvr #new #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #update #gtagghost #bubblesvr #new #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #update #gtagghost #bubblesvr #new #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #update #gtagghost #bubblesvr #new
Gorilla tag live with viewers new gorilla tag update right now caves revamp, trolling as a daisy09 PBBV statue how to play, gorilla tag, gorilla tag, knock offs gorilla tag, live update, new gorilla tag update playing with my dad in gorilla tag secret tunnel in gorilla tag, gorilla tag ghost trolling gorilla tape on gorilla tag live gorilla tag with viewers I’m playing gorilla tag with my mom gorilla tag with my sister. Gorilla tag with my brother, my dog plays, gorilla tag, gorilla tag, new ghost, gorilla tag, super ghost, gorilla tag, ghost hunting, crazy gorilla tag, update, new gorilla tag, cosmetics, gorilla tag, fun gorilla tag awesome how to play gorilla tag how to lucio run How to wall run. How to make a gorilla tag YouTube channel how to play gorilla tag gorilla tag is the best game ever gorilla tag is getting deleted gorilla tag Youtubers new gorilla tag video. I pretended to be a Noob in gorilla tag I play gorilla tag with my feet Jmancurly Elliot VMT gorilla tag mines is open by gorilla tag YouTuber Minecraft live I play gorilla tag with feet gorilla tag at a trampoline park new gorilla tag update live 24/7 mines update with viewers I troll is famous, gorilla tag, Youtubers I play gorilla tag with BubblesVR new gorilla tag update is fun. Do not play this gorilla tag fan game, gorilla tag, knock offs, gorilla tag horror update gorilla tag zero contrast, gorilla tag hunt, gorilla tag, paintbrawl gorilla tag infection gorilla tag, casual gorilla tag live. I played with my dog in gorilla tag I play gorilla tag with friends. gorilla tag, montage, gorilla tag, trending, gorilla tag oculus oculus VR. grimace shake in gorilla tag trolling as PBBV in gorilla tag trolling as a daisy09 in spider, trolling as creepy monkey, trolling as blank McDonald’s Fortnite google YouTube, dancing songs, dogs, cats, animals monkey, gorilla Capuchin, Bar Capuchin level three Mines gorilla tag new crazy update live with viewers Capuchin is back capuchin with viewers flying squirrel chase monk game super monkeys Capuchin Capuchin 2.0 credit for the screen shots go to styledsnail btw :) go sub 2 him!
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i thought i would go into this crying but honestly i agree with everything you said at the begining its so much harder to make content when there isnt much to do anymore, like you said every day i get on gtag join a lobby sit and do nothing then leave, i think spreading out to other games is not a bad idea and i hope all this drama will settle soon :(.


that's why i quit, the game got boring, same old updates, racism, hate and just so much horrible things. i respect ur decision bro as does everyone in the comments section. everything good has to come to an end, gorilla tag fell under that. your channel will grow a lot more, the variety will help a lot trust me


I respect your decision, I completely agree with what you said. I’m gonna have to quit one of these days aswell. Thank you for everything you did for my channel 🫡


I have grown so much watching moose and I want to thank you moose for what you have done you inspired so many and 1 of them were me and I appreciate what you’ve done for me and all the other content
Creators on gtag 👋👋😔😔


It’s not just gtag where you will find kids who scream the n word it’s everywhere 😢


I really agree with you your not making a bad decision it’s hard I have been watching u for a long time now this is a wild change but it’s right think to do


Imma be real I think you would be a great yeeps hide and seek YouTuber it has a free camera mod and stuff you would really thrive in that game that’s what I did I’m a yeeps YouTuber now just a suggestion


I was crying this entire time I watched every gorilla tag video I’m sorry let’s hope that this sad time will end and we can come back😢


Dang I respect your decision and I agree it’s not the same I just got name doxxed and honestly Idek I’m gonna try me best to keep it going on gtag but idk I think your right… this is the downfall… hope I see you around and

Ggs🥲😢😭 I think that you have made a big impact on my life… all the vids, calls, messages and this is it😔 thanks for everything you’ve done to me and others in the community and one last time…


Please stay on. I’m a big fan of go Chad that been playing it like every single day.😢😢😢😢


The thing that sucks about this is we never made that canyon video but it’s ok bye my G


Hello moose I understand you might need some time I hope you have a good summer plying other vr games and we hope you can return to gtag with a new and better community either way we give you or friendShip👍👍👍


moose if you play population 1 could you play with me


Dude why are you quitting gorilla tag, I needed to catch up to your skill again


Moosewoose we will miss u we understand we loved u im sorry u went through this goodbye 🫶
