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This tool helps to process the information (from client, government, etc) as an external file (txt, excel, etc) with the desired functions, areas and square meters. After the division of the areas and the required SQM in grasshopper we can create our 2D hatch in Revit (we created hatches, because it is really easy to handle, but it can be lines, slabs, etc...). So, depending on our form and shape size the SQM indicates the number of floors. (we can also limit the height, depending on the regulation).

We connect this information with Generic Model Elements in Revit in real time and we have our first volume studies in LOD100. For visualisation we used different colours for different areas. If the regulation or the wish of our client is changing, or we are not satisfied with our building shapes, the bilateral connection is allowing us to have the changes in real time and maximize the potential of our design and export all square meters, cubic meters directly to excel directly to share with our client : )

Are you interested and you wanna learn how to do it? Or you need it in your office to use it?

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