Blind Cinema Camera Test - Part 1 | Are The Expensive Cameras Worth It?

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Can you guess which camera is which?
Arri Alexa, Sony F65, Sony F55, Kinefinity Mavo, Blackmagic Ursa, BMPCC 4K, and BMPCC 6K)
As an owner of multiple camera platforms, I find it difficult to decide when to use one camera over another and whether or not the bigger/more expensive cameras really do have a better image. I realized others may experience this as well, so I decided to host a blind camera test contest on YouTube to see whether or not people can actually identify the more expensive cameras from the affordable options available today!
In a shoot I accommodate for the camera's strengths/weaknesses, but in this test I exposed for the "dynamic range King" Arri Alexa at ISO 200 F/4 and matched everything else to that setting-wise without changing the lighting conditions. From there you can see the dynamic range differences, roll off, saturation distribution and overall interpretation of light.
Keep in mind, ISO 200 (or equivalent) is not native for any of these cameras so technically all of these cameras are at a "disadvantage," and although I can see the differences, since I had to work with them in post, they can all pass as matching. To most, that is all that matters.
I'm excited to read your guesses and tell us which is your favorite shot in the comments section!
Arri Alexa, Sony F65, Sony F55, Kinefinity Mavo, Blackmagic Ursa, BMPCC 4K, and BMPCC 6K)
As an owner of multiple camera platforms, I find it difficult to decide when to use one camera over another and whether or not the bigger/more expensive cameras really do have a better image. I realized others may experience this as well, so I decided to host a blind camera test contest on YouTube to see whether or not people can actually identify the more expensive cameras from the affordable options available today!
In a shoot I accommodate for the camera's strengths/weaknesses, but in this test I exposed for the "dynamic range King" Arri Alexa at ISO 200 F/4 and matched everything else to that setting-wise without changing the lighting conditions. From there you can see the dynamic range differences, roll off, saturation distribution and overall interpretation of light.
Keep in mind, ISO 200 (or equivalent) is not native for any of these cameras so technically all of these cameras are at a "disadvantage," and although I can see the differences, since I had to work with them in post, they can all pass as matching. To most, that is all that matters.
I'm excited to read your guesses and tell us which is your favorite shot in the comments section!