1 | Living As Citizens of the Land Called Gospel (Philippians 1)

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Living as Citizens of the Land Called Gospel | Week 1 | In this first episode of our new series on Paul’s letter to the church in Phillipi, Darrell takes us into what we need to know in order to hear his word. Really hear - so as to join the group gathered in a living room in downtown Phillipi. As we listen to Paul’s message, we hear his chief reason for writing - to exhort us to live in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ (2:27). We hear a call to live lives which are self-evidently shaped by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Unpacking this exhortation, we can more clearly see an invitation in the text to deeper friendship with one another. It's a friendship that points us to the relationship that’s at the centre of everything - between Father Son and Spirit.
First Baptist Church, Vancouver, B.C. | September 7, 2014 | Philippians 1

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