FNC vs. S04 | 2021 LEC Spring Playoffs Round 2 Game 1

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VoD of Fnatic vs. Schalke 04
LEC Spring Split 2021 #LEC

Casters: Drakos and Caedrel
Analysts: Sjokz, Ender and Zanzarah

Full Line up:
Fnatic Line up:
⦁ Bwipo - Top Lulu
⦁ Selfmade - Jungle Olaf
⦁ Nisqy - Mid Twisted Fate
⦁ Upset - ADC Xayah
⦁ Hylissang - Support Rell

Schalke 04 Line up:
⦁ BrokenBlade - Top Gangplank
⦁ Gilius - Jungle Udyr
⦁ Abbedagge - Mid Sylas
⦁ Neon - ADC Kai'Sa
⦁ LIMIT - Support Leona

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Draft start - 1:25
Game start - 13:12


okey, okey, w8 what? is S04 is some kind of a kriptonyte for top EU teams or they are actually became better during this season


Ref on the SO4 side looks like Bwipos relative


And so the hyli and selfmade hard tilt hard int "go in idgaf" begins...


Gg really really well play deserved wins


FNC really needs to overhaul their team. Including the coach. I don't know what they were thinking to hire Yamato, he's not very good.... I question his decisions and I blame him for most of FNC latest blunders. Their picks makes no sense, making them lose games before they even start. Bwipo also needs to go, this once amazing rookie is turning out to be not so good in pro play, Hyli without back up from Rekkles is just a shadow of past success he had. Right now, I don't see FNC winning LEC playoffs, little less going to Worlds, unless some drastic changes are made. If you can't Bo5 win against S04, how are they going to stand up against LPL or LCK regions? Lets get something straight, S04 didn't win cos they played really really good, they won cos FNC are inconsistent, lack synergy and have bad direction from coaching team.

FNC used to be the team that grabbed rookies and turned them into really good players, I don't see that anymore. RIP FNC


Alternative fnc picks that wouldnt instalose them the game:
Tf - fine, its valued in meta, nisqy was fine on him this season
Rell - fine, hyllis prio pick
Xayah - deffinetely shouldve picked voli flex pick, but its still not terrible you can still fix it
Olaf - deffinetely a terrible pick here, you should pick khartus or lillia here for perhaps more ap or supportive ap style and give bwipo some normal tank or brusier top, or you can pick something like reksai to try for gank potential
Lulu - could work but karma is better in this situation, you could rather let tf take ap or take jgl ap and take riven and play tf jgl riven ganks under turret or similar rather than playing for xayah which isnt that good to carry since gp is in the enemy team


I think, that Fnatic needs some time to grow to old strength. I mean, Mid-Bot swap, also a new coach, that are huge changes. So for me, they of course are lacking at team fighting, decision making and so on.
On the other hand, Schalke has two new members in their team too...so maybe my argument is invalid :D
Anyway: go Schalke!


why would you pick lulu when karma is open? should be better with olaf and tf imo. such a good speed up engage


Said I didn't get to see xayah rakan 😔😔hylasang was the support who inspired me I don't know what happened to him to me I just think is bc his adc left him srry bud😭😭


When you have a coach who thinks he's better than he really is, a top laner who is so egotistical he thinks he can outplay anyone, a B tier ADC, and a voiceless mid, jungle, and support, this is what happens.


Where are the uploads on all games? why its taking so long?


Terrible game, terrible series, terrible Spring Split, terrible positionning, terrible moves, terrible compo, terrible choices... Can't they fire Bwipo, Selfmade & Hyllisang? They just throw almost all the games. They're not good enough to be in LEC.


Moral lesson. Don't make Bwipo your GM so that you can hire a glorified cannon midlaner from NA reject import who can't carry. Jesus. FNC still hasn't learned their lesson they need a high highs carry midlaner, especially with Bwipo being so inconsistent. This series was so fking lost for FNC because of mid jungle synergy gap firstly. Every lane gap. Nisqy can't duel, team fight or 2v2 for his life. He was so fking awkward mechanically, so horrible TF ults, team fighting and decision making. Abbe ran away with the game with one simple 2v2 in midlane. This series was a fking huge MID GAP. I like that part when Nisqy ults to wave clear top while S04 runs down his team after getting baron lmaaooo and fat fingers his zhonya. That's fking choking.


Even though most of the annoying tools like Rekless are gone from Fnatic I still cant help but always cheer for them to lose. There's just something eternally smug and annoying about this team. Their brand is permanently stained in league.
