What Would a Feminist City Look Like?

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What design elements would make a feminist city work? What changes need to be made on the ground to enact an equitable place? In this video, Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman discusses the elements of a feminist future city.

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There was a lot of wasted space in this video. Instead of just telling me more about what a feminist city would look like I got preached to about men. This video advertises itself as one thing but delivers another.


I wish you had made the group of women @14:00 the focus of your video!


more like american city vs european city


Amsterdam is a fantastic city, too bad NIMBYism is causing sprawl, homelessness, poverty, and lowering quality of life. the solution is to build skyscrapers so that people can actually attend college, live near family and have access to transit services. you have to live in utrech to go to amsterdam


I would imagine:.

Crime would be higher due to a lack of proper accountability and punishment of actual crime while "perceived" crimes are met with much harsher sentences, especially for men. Crimes such as school shootings would be higher.

Drug addiction/use would be extremely high and normalized, including the usage of artificial hormones on minors which would be pushed into government via lobbyists or by agendaa within government to disrupt family structures necessary for healthy communities.

Fatherlessness would be extremely high and promoted legally, with a great bias towards pushing single mother homes while at the same time having an overall bias where fathers are expected to pay child support or alimony, even in cases where men are not the father or where women are breadwinners.

Loneliness among citizens would be at all time high as social integration would be near impossible due to the social structures normally enabling community and communication to be either deemed problematic or outdated with no actual suitable substitute in place. Ones integration would be an unequal structure based on shallow constructs such as appearance or self proclaimed status as opposed to skill and merit.

Gyms would be deemed obsolete and sexist. Obesity would be the new "attractive" and pushed as a form of ideal socially.

Promiscuity would be excessively higher with rates of STDs growing among women in particular.

There would be bathrooms where anyone can just wander in, including men in women's lockers. Any push to rectify this would be met with psuedo scientific theorems consisting of biological gender and sex being mislabeled a social construct.

Schools would lower grade expectations, thereby dumbing down students and prioritizing shallow attempts of "equity".

Pedophilia would be excessively high as no protections would be in place, including authorities who meer standards necessary for officers of the law as well as leniency to child predators of the female kind.

Child abuse would stagnantly increase as children would be increasingly kept from fathers and into the arms of non biological fathers while at the same time be in the arms of day care who will never truly be able to replace the parent in all settings.

Materialism and consumerism would grow to the point that dollar companies would possess enough money to heavily sway political lawmaking and political corruption spread to the point that truth and values are undermined in exchange for countervalues and falsities are pushed as fact including the idea that basic fundamental truths such as biological differences are considered condemned thoughts and that all known facts are met with socially induced displacement ie "cancellation" or defunding via institutionalized quotas that legally reaffirm racist or even sexist viewpoints but claimed to be under the guise of equality.

Domestic abuse would be higher as the children grown from such feminist based city structure would have weaker authorities and higher rates of violence including between couples, most of which would either not be married due to the patriarchal origins of religions or consist of step parents or single mother homes which are known to hold an increase in violence compared to man/woman households.

Oh wait...we already have that due to feminism in the US.


“We don’t know how or why this happened”. - how about it’s because women don’t do construction.


God lord this comment section is rancid - but this video is disappointing as the subjut of how we make our cities equitable for different groups of people is one of the cour questions of urban planning, hence asking what a feminit city would look like - a city that ensures the rights of women and designs with all genders in mind is a great question, sadly the video mostly talks about the issues now in planning rather than focusing on what is a really interesting thesis question. would have loved to here more about that last segment where we here what women what out of cities and contrast that to what men want out of urban environments!


I wish the asian Culture was like this


This was seriously disappointing and I believe dangerous. She glosses over or ignores the realities of city development—warfare, resources, agriculture vs industrial, space, weather, geography, transportation, materials, necessary facilities, population, pollution, zoning, etc. But yet it’s all about men and power.
Men have been in power yes, but largely society/civilization has been built piece by piece to ensure survival and raise children. Are there injustices? Yes, but this video is also an injustice.


The fact that a woman said that we should invest in wellness centers instead of sport arenas sums up the unidimensional world view of Feminists. Sport arena are wellness centers, that is what sport is about it improve the human wellbeing. We don't have to paint everything with motherhood to succeed, and if we do, we are all going to become mommies which 50% of the world who happened to be males are not designed to be. feminism is a dead subject and very hateful in the eyes of every sane person. We all have naturel gender roles no matter how much you hate it. It is just a fact no one can change it.


So are you feminists gonna take tools into your hands and build your dream city? I know all of you would like to just command over lower class men who are the absolute majority of workers doing the hard job and you yourself would just preach your ideas but that´s not how this world works. Also the society you talk about "before the patriarchal system" was dominated by a single alpha male. Yes, almost everything including tools, children and resources was shared, but 1) there were few people in the tribe, it´s impossible to implement it today with million people residing in modern city and 2) that society was before our ancestors began farming, thus creating a household which led to private property and individualism.


You should thinking to building more nursing homes for the elderly. Because you will not find children or family who will welcome you into their home.


There's gonna be spiders fucking everywhere
