How to Study for Math (TTP Video 1)

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Study tips which WILL help you to be more successful in mathematics. These come from real research and my own experience. Enjoy!
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For many of us this professor is the most supportive person in our lives. Thank you prof like really


I dropped out of college due to finances and the need to support my family. Since dropping out, I've learned algebra, calculus, and statistics from this man. He's turned my hate for math into pure love which led me to pursue a career in software development. You play a major role in my growth and I will forever be grateful. Thank you, professor!!!


1. Take notes
2. Believe you can do it
3. Ask questions
4. Review notes and redo examples
5. Put your notes away and redo problems
6. Review earlier sections before starting a new section
7. For your your test: Start prepping early using a study guide and without using your notes or textbook. Focus on areas that you are weak on


"not a lot of people watch math for fun"
now look here, Leonard


27 years old learning math from the beginning for college these videos are a godsend


I am a 69 yrs old man, retired, and stumbled into your CALC videos. I began to watch them and finally understood a lot of steps, so I'm learning and enjoying calculus for the first time -- thanks to your extremely good method and demeanor in teaching it. In college eons ago, I had to take 1 yr of Calculus and was so lost and as a result I did not do very well. So my passing but low grades brought down my GPA in other sciences classes such as chemistry and biology. Now through your videos I understand calculus better. Wish I had you as my teacher in the 70's!! :) So, keep up the good work and the way you teach and explain math !!! We all thank you very much!!


First time in a my school career that someone actually broke down how to study Math. Thanks!


After dropping Calc2 2 times, my friend introduced me to your channel and I was "shooketh" how you made it look simple to understand. After failing it the third time, and my teacher telling me to go back to Trigonometry, I decided to take Calc2 again the 4th time in session 2 of summer and finally passed it. Was disappointed it was a C, but I'm finally able to move on in my career, never taking that teacher again, even though he's enthusiastic about teaching, but he legit told me to face that I can't pass this class. Thank you Professor Leonard for being the hero to make me understand calc2 better! God bless you and your family for the wonderful thing you are doing! :)


I'm 51 years old, not in School, but for some crazy reason just enjoy doing math for fun. I wish I felt like this when I was in School as I most likely would have done something in the Math Field. I started doing "math for fun" about 4 years ago and if my memory serves me correctly I distinctly remembering having some conversation with my wife which involved something to do with Calculus. I googled something and BINGO, I'm on YouTube with some Engergetic Guy Chanting "The Slope of Curve at a Point ... You Remember ... Do You Remember ... You Remember...". So I watched and I watched and I watched and have lived in "Leonard Land" for many years now. I literally have chosen to stay home and do Math Videos over going out to the movies on some nights. Okay so To The Point ... Prof Leonard Videos are A+++. This Guy is great at so many levels and his videos really do help anyone learn math. I use them all the time to help teach the kids I help teach math too. So I am just a Fan saying Thank You Leonard for all your hard work and great videos and ALSO recommending to ALL Students, Teachers, and Crazy People like me who just watch math videos for fun to Watch, Like, Subscribe, and Support the Channel :) I am just getting into the TTP Video's and I am really impressed with what I have seen so far.


I have watched every minute off all your Calc I and II and now III lectures. I was about to change majors but thanks to you I'm doing what I like. I wish I could hug you, YOUR ARE AMAZING. Thank you indeed!!! You win the #1 professor worldwide award!!!


I find the 2-3 hour videos very helpful... They may be long, but your teaching style and the tons of examples really help!! Professors tend to fly through every lesson in 40 minutes leaving many things
unexplained and confusing.


I'm 58 years old, graduated college in 1982 so... I'm watching math for fun and of course to improve my knowledge just because! You explain this stuff better than anyone.


Dear Mr. Leonard, I am from India, I had not had a great schooling because of health issues when i was very young. I have been following your lectures for the past few months...and it has helped a lot. The only thing keeping me from getting more confident is that i can't find appropriate homework to practice the things that you taught in the class (videos). I would doubly appreciate if you put a link or flash few pages of homework assignment at end of the video. thanks a lot . keep up the great work


my attention span never lasted for 13 whole minutes. This is the very first time I was able to fully complete a video with no distractions. Nothing but motivation. Thank you so much!


Like most people here, I watched your Cal I, II and currently Cal III videos, but in a couple of weeks I'm taking cal II. What I do is watch your videos before the semester starts, and take notes along. Since I'm new to most of calculus, I eventually get lost. In a sense, I feel like I failed your class. But that's great, because of your videos I already know what to expect and when im in class everything makes sense. Thanks a lot, and I hope you're able to accommodate your schedule to make videos, because I changed my major to math and your help is much appreciated.


You make math interesting and you genuinely care about people understanding mathematics and that is inspirational. I used to hate math but now in community college I want to give math a chance and go into engineering, that's my number one goal.


"Frustration is your mind's first attempt to cope with new information" well said Professor Leonard


-Take notes of class
-Don't think that you can't do it
-Ask questions if you are not doing good in maths
-Don't get angry
-Read notes and do homework
-Do homework again without reading notes
-Practice by yourself
-When going go new section or exercise, read 15 mins old stuffs
-Focus on weak points
-15 mins a day read old stuffs


Professor Leonard, krista king, and mathbff are my math inspirations. Thank you guys


I'm distance learning, and for the most part, it was just lonely old me and my textbook. I don't think I could've even made it to my exam without you and your videos. You are my saving grace, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate the hard work you've put in to help people like me. Thank-you Professor Leonard!
