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In a race for domination, the Continental Alliance's ambition leads to the uninhibited exploitation of planet Solstice-5. As they construct unstoppable autonomous factories, the Alliance's insatiable quest for power leaves behind a forsaken workforce in a world spiraling out of control.


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directed by: Paul Chadeisson
original idea by: Paul Chadeisson
written by : Lambert Grand & Paul Chadeisson
Art by: Paul Chadeisson
VFX and concept art: Paul Chadeisson

UI, VFX and concept art by Pierre Lazarevic

director of photography ( actor): Lambert Grand

CAST: Arben Bajraktaraj, Douglas Rand, Margeaux Lampley, Lemmy Constentine
compositing ( actor) : Alban kasikci
makeup artist: Harold Levy
audio recording: Tristan Renet
editing by: Paul Chadeisson


Music and Sound Design : Arcades

CEO : Jean-Charles Lambert
Audio Director : Antoine Babary

Music composer / Sound Designer :
Edouard Bourgeat
Clement Gaunard
Nicolas Rozlonkowski


Produced by Alien collapse


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The bright colors and enormous industrial aesthetic of Chris Foss, Peter Elson, and other famous sci-fi artists of the 1970s are something that is sorely lacking in modern science fiction. This visuals shown here not only try to preserve this style, but look better than most science fiction films being made today. Paul Chadeisson, you remain an inspiration for us all


Species: Human
Trait: Wasteful
Aim: Production
Looks like my first Stellaris run.


I like how this highlights a scary aspect of automation, by the looks of it the factory doesn’t have AI its not malicious it just keeps on working as intended forever. I just wish modern blockbusters had that amount of visual storytelling.

This is such a great achievement.


Some deskbound General at the other end of space one day happens to notice a flashing message icon and when he checks it out "Your previous order of 5000 carriers has been completed and are awaiting crews for pickup" and the guy goes into existential crisis realizing he totally forgot to cancel the order 3 entire ship-design generations ago when they found something exponentially better :P


The amount of details is insane - I can only imagine how long this took to render. Great Work!


When you forget to cancel your naval production lines in Hoi4


thank you for your amazing support !!🙏🙏🙏 i am working on a new Solstice - 5 film :)


This is a perfect example of a Universal Paperclip Machine.

A preprogrammed or dumb-AI controlled industrial complex whose purpose is to create one specific thing, at the expense of all other priorities, with no understanding or concern for potential damage.

It's a shipyard. It builds ships.

To build ships, it needs resources.

To gather resources, it mines and refines material from the planet's surface.

It will continue to perform this task until it is deactivated or it runs out of available resources. Unfortunately, the former seems impossible for one reason or another.


The world-building in this 10 minute video is breathtaking, thank you for putting content like this on to youtube for all of us to enjoy


Been working in game development for over 30 years and used to be a 3D modeller. It's rare I see something truly inspiring or new anymore, but this has a powerful sense of scale and dense realistic detail. Really impressed by the whole epic vibe and art direction generally. I'd love to see this team tackle a hard sci-fi series. Beautiful work Paul.


This short film had better world building and setup than entire series made by Hollywood. This is the stuff that needs to get funded and produced into shows and movies.


Dude the feeling of simply massive superstructures and factories of far beyond, the slow and realistic movement of the carriers and planes as well as the distinct difference in the factory barges/cargo ships. Everything about this screams excellence and perfect cinematography I could sit here and be enamored by the movement for hours. Amazing work and outstanding effects/cinematography overall.


This sort of thing is exactly what modern cinema is missing. All the genuinely masterful, creative pieces are being produced by small artists and teams, and I'm absolutely here for it. I want to know more about this world, I want the full lore, I want to know MORE. You have completely and utterly captured my attention.


someone please give this team every resource possible to make Solstice5 into a full on movie / series... absolutely breathtaking! phenomenal work by this team.


Truly a masterpiece in the genre of inustrial dystopic sci fi. The giant pale structures, the desolate autonomy of factories. And of course, the nebulous presentation of alien life. Its...beautiful.


This honestly is the sci-fi I WISH we saw more often. MASSIVE Industrial manufacturing and processing in the sci-fi setting is one of my favourite concepts you absolutely NAILED it. The interactions with the workers really ground it all into reality and, in my opinion, makes it a surreal prediction of the far future for the human race..
Not to forget the Astronomical (no pun intended) detail this film shows off. It blows me away that you've managed to create something that looks so real.

Huge thanks for bringing this to us. I'll be sure to keep an eye out if you we're to ever create a feature length film is this style. 🔥🔥🔥


Gosh the massiveness in your renders is just scary. The ships looks so detailed and HUGEEEE, IT'S SCARY!
You're an inspiration. ❤


This is incredible! This is what science fiction is supposed to look like. This needs to be developed into a full length film or a TV series. Well done!


This is the most impressive sci-fi setting I have ever seen in my life. Why can't blockbuster Hollywood movies be like that? No need for drama, romance. Just hard core sci-fi. The visuals and detail and sense of scale are stunning. The best I've ever seen. The premise of this short movie is also top notch. It also has a huge megalophobia and a sense of dreadd vibe to it. I love it. Very impressive stuff.


Dear Youtube,
This is the type of content I can only hope is recommended to me every time I go your site. Please recommend more of stuff like this going forward.
