AngularNYC - StencilJS and Universal Components - Mike Hartington (@mhartington)

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Have you ever found an awesome component online, but couldn’t use it because it’s written for a different framework? For too long now, frameworks have gotten in the way of developers sharing code that they’ve written. With different APIs to work with, developers would have to rewrite a component multiple times to be able to work with React, Angular, Vue, or even Ember. Enter Web Components. Built on open web standards, Web Components provide a way for creating reusable components that can work within every framework, and even outside of them. Find out what Ionic’s been experimenting with and see why Web Components are the way of the future.


0:07 - Intro
0:26 - Back in the day…
1:37 - All we wanted
2:12 - JavaScript at the time
3:21 - AngularJS Directives
3:46 - Fast Forward
4:26 - Yet different API for each one
5:09 - Enter web components
9:15 - Powerful
10:35 - Stencil
12:00 - Demo
18:52 - API
19:33 - But wait… Angular elements?
20:09 - Not the only one
20:52 - What’s next
21:35 - Build something cool?


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