The 3 Muslims Podcast is making Tomassiyeen Da'awah

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This entire section is direct recitation of Red Pill Tomassiyeen dogma. Aside from denying that a Muslim woman can actually possess independent value in her own right, but can only achieve value by means of the man she marries; he regurgitates that blatant lie -- based on the myth of hypergamy -- that highly educated women have a lower chance of marrying. Highly educated women have the highest rates of marriage in the West, and the lowest rate of divorce. This is utter falsehood, and taken straight from Red Pill's dogma.
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They are apparently hosting the Sheikh of Red Pill himself, along with Gabriel Al Romani...this excerpt suggest that this is an attempt to Islamize Tomassi's demented philosophy and make it palatable to the Believers. This brother just regurgitated straight up Tomassiyeen falsehoods with zero objection or correction...this is Tomassiyeen Da'awah, nothing more nothing less


Your value is dictated by your Taqwa and Imaan- not who you’re married to.

Was Asiyah a.s invaluable bc her husband was Fir’aun? Did Maryam a.s have no value bc she never got married? No- rather they’re amongst the best.


Nothing in this world is more attractive or beautiful than a beautiful character


So they are saying that all of the women value is in her age and beauty.Man this is wrong.It is better to marry as early as possible but the value of man and women must rely on his character not on metralistic things which will fade as time passes by


It is so sad to see that they give no value to women at all. I suppose they also feel their daughters have no value. This is the woman you will spend your life with, have and entrust to raise your children, but she has no value to you? My value is not dictated by my husband, nor his by me. To me, there is no other man alive with more value than my husband, I don't care what a they do or how they look or what they own. I chose my husband based on his character and deen. I never even asked him how much money he made or how much wealth he had. I still have no clue. He isn't taller than me and he doesn't have a six pack. He however, has qualities much more important to me. He provides for me, that is all I need to know about his finances because I value so much more. I am so sad to see brother Gabriel on this platform, I did at one time support him but had to stop after he aligned himself with such bad examples of Islam.


Jizakallah khair for the awairness you are raising. I am mother of a boy and 2 girls. I just had happen to comes accross the the 3mulims and abuamerican Chanel’s and have seen several of theirs videos and it gave depression in ways I can’t explains. I ended up confronting my husband in regards to this. Is that what men what want a woman to be. just a robots for housekeeping and sexual needs. According to them if her life does not revolve around you as a man then she is bad woman. They way they talk about is like as if women should not think for self or at times they can’t think for themselves. If a woman is independent then she is bad. I have heard abuamerican say if a women is not degrading herself for you then she does not love you, I mean the list goes on.

When I came across their videos I just had my second daughter and I was going through post partum depression and my mind went on such a dark path cause all I could think was how do I save daughters from men Like these. It got to a point where mind was going should I end their lives now to save them from men like these. If this is going to be the future of how men will think.

If it was not for my husband calming me down and assuring that it’s not like that. My husband is an amazing person and all I hope is my daughter can find someone like him.

I come from a south Asian community and in our community people pray to have boys and I have seen men divorce women for having only girls. My sister in law doctor stop telling gender of babies because one of patients comitted suicide on her forth pregnancy cause it was girl again and when the investigation took place it found that her husbands family and her husband was treating her if it’s a girl again her husband will divorce her. People in this community get excited when they boys but not when they have girls. every time i got pregnant and people congratulated me and would also say May Allah give you a boy for every pregnancy.

At the time I used to get so upset as to why do every women keep wishes that I end up having a boy. Now I know why cause there are men who think like these Chanel’s. These Chanel’s of 3 Muslim and other like don’t realize the damage they will be causing.

P.S. Br. Gabriel I blieave and seems to be genuine but All the others I can’t stand them at all and they make me scared for my children’s future


Omg this clip only gets more cringy after watching it again! 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 I wonder what his wife thinks😬


I have seen this episode earlier today and was deeply disappointed in these brothers specifically brother Gabriel. Glad you noticed and called them out on it!
You're a breath of fresh air on these youtube street's.
May Allah protect you 🙏


This is so dumb.What is the matter with Gabriel.He should distance himself from those type of podcasts before is not too late.


i personally found your channel from Brother Gabriel Romani channel (post in his community channel) .. i started watching video after another, and to be honest i learned a lot from you Ustadh, your knowledge and videos should be spread a lot
however i came back to this video again, and i think it's not necessary at all this video .. You and Brother Gabriel can make a great duo, to benefit Muslims .. i find your comments on this video very harsh toward Brother Gabriel
anyway, i wish the best for all of you .. and may Allah guide us toward the right path.


I'm going to be honest, I'm a subscriber to mainly Brother Gabriel and the other main Muslims pushing for redpill and t3m, but i take everything with a massive pinch of salt with them all except from Gabriel. Now I'm sort of lost, i don't know what the Qur'an and Sunnah says regarding Men and Women, as i take it as the only Haqq, as should we all but due to my lack of knowledge I'm finding myself in a position I've never been in before, I'm confused, really confused. This compared to other topics in the Deen is rare so I'm not so sure what to believe now or where to look for the truth (obviously seeking Ilm) when it comes to education on Men and Women, Masculinity and Mental Health etc from an Islamic perspective, he was doing quite well and covered a host of other issues we face today which no one else is speaking about. Allahu A'lam.

May Allah guide us all and keep us steadfast upon guidance. Ameen


Any time I hear muslim men spew this talking point it reminds me of this hadith

Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The world is enjoyment and the best enjoyment in the world is a righteous wife.”

The value of a woman is her righteousness married or not. It is not the man who gives her value, but it's Allah due to her obedience and worship. It's Allah who gives whom he pleases out of the men the best of enjoyment in this dunya, a righteous wife. It is a righteous wife who brings her own value, for she is the guardian of his home and children.

The lense In which they percive value highlights the limitation of the red pill dogma an it's dunya vision of materialism. Allah sent us Revelation from the unseen world for us to navigate the seen. But they want to use the minds within the seen world to navigate the seen, while their minds are limited. Subhanallah

Old video but just came across your channel, and still we hear these talking points. May Allah reward you for your efforts and give you the ability to continue to debunk such rhetoric. Ameen

New subscriber.


High value women do exist, the criteria by which their value is judged, differs from that of a man. He never specifies that in detail, though, and simply rules out the possibility entirely. Faiyad is 23, the same age as me. Still young and adopting troubling red pill ideas without nuance, makes me sad to see. They're also going to bring Rollo Tomassi on. That should make for an interesting dissection


It is still true tho. I saw unfortunately many examples in my extended family where exactly this situation happened. And you don‘t need RP to see that this point is valid.


What utter falsehood to say that a woman has no value and it is only equated to the value of the man that she is with. So what about Asiya, the wife of Firawn who was married to the worst of men. Her status is amongst the best of women that allah showed her place in the heavens when she pleaded while being tortured “…My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise…” (Quran 66:11)


CHARACTER PEOPLE... does character mean nothing in the west.. ah y even ask


Salam brother. Kindly, tell us what a high value woman is.


I believe in early marriage, if a woman finds the other half, then marriage must become a priority! I witnessed so many regret stories, worst than regret Tatoos, of women and men let each other go, for education or career or lifestyle! Nothing more important and wonderful than early fulfilling love through marriage.


This idea seems to stem from the Christian Bible, teachings of Paul:

“But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God….
“A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.”

—1 Corinthians 11:3, 7-9


Just reading the comments I am frightened.shall I watch the clip?
