try! Swift NYC 2019 - Getting Started with Combine

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try! Swift NYC Conference 2019 - try! Swift is an immersive community gathering about Apple Technologies, Swift Language Best Practices, Application Development in Swift, Server-Side Swift, Open Source Swift, and the Swift Community in New York!

Topic - Getting Started with Combine

Speaker - Shai Mishali

Abstract -

In the last WWDC, Apple has finally released it's very own framework for declarative processing of values over time, making the skill of Reactive Programming a must for your toolset. But what does it actually mean, and why is it at all helpful for you as a developer? What are the tools and constructs Apple provide for us as developers?
In this talk you'll learn:
* What _is_ Reactive Programming?
* How Combine differs from other Reactive Declarative frameworks
* Basic building blocks: Publisher, Subscriber, Subscription, Subjects and more
* The anatomy and lifecycle of a Combine event
* Combine vocabulary: Operators - the 'words' that make up your Combine chain
* Combine & Foundation: Apple-provided APIs to ease your day-to-day development with Combine and existing Swift APIs
* Combine's role in SwiftUI
* What is Backpressure?
* And much more ...

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