KEEP GOING - Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation (Most Eye Opening Speeches)

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Keep going. Every day you don't give up you are one step closer than you were yesterday. People are counting on you. Don't quit now! One of the most inspiring Motivational Videos Ever!

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Logan Taylor

Eric Thomas

Mat Wilson
Snapchat: @matywilson

Eddie Pinero
Instagram: @your_world_within
Instagram: @eddiepinero2

Gary Vaynerchuk

Freddy Fri


Keep Going - Logan Taylor / Eric Thomas / Mat Wilson & Motiversity
(New Video by Motiversity)

The Power of the Human Mind - Your World Within & Motiversity

Keep Showing Up - Fearless Motivation
(Visuals edited by Motiversity)

Put in the Work - Gary Vaynerchuk & Motiversity

Unleash Your Inner Beast - Freddy Fri & Motiversity

Push Through the Pain - Mat Wilson & Motiversity

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Position Music - Apparition

Music by Eddie Pinero

Keep Showing Up - Fearless Motivation

Really Slow Motion:
Fight No More & Edge of Eternity
Buy Really Slow Motion music:

Paul Elhart - The Journey

►Video Footage Sources:

All works used are listed in the credits at the end of the video.
All Creative Commons works licensed under CC BY 3.0
All works used are derivatives.
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My grandpa died. Fiance left. Mom in rehab of alcohol. Job going down. All of this in only 3 days. But my 4th day. Ima start walking into my running. I don't stop I can't stop


I’m done watching these videos in my bed saying imma do it later. Imma start now and not stop who’s with me


Don’t just stop on this video. Keep pushing to crush each and every single day and prove every person wrong who doesn’t believe in you. You can do it!

I can’t quit. I can’t stop. I can’t get tired. You’ve got to think about the people in your life you’re doing this for! - Eric Thomas


There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”


I don't know who needs to hear this, you are loved. Whatever you are going through, I believe in you. Never give up and keep moving forward ❤


The hard shit is the best shit. I've lost homes, loved ones, friends, money and family... but I've never lost heart... keep going you'll make it.


About 5 years ago now or so I was heavily struggling with alcoholism and homelessness. No matter what route I took, it never seemed to help. Always in the cycle, always falling down flat on my face. It's been about 2 years now since I've had any alcohol. Well over 2 years since i got my my own apartment, my independence, a reliable job and income. If you had told me a few years ago, that someday I'd be out here living life as a fully self sufficient adult, and all of this struggle was but a bad dream, a temporary low, id have told you you have no idea what you're talking about. Not me. Thatll never be me. I'll never get out. It's just not for me. But here I am, years later, living life. It happened for me, it'll happen for you, keep going.


I am trying to be the best that I can be. I am only a kid, but I fear being middle class. I fear waking up every day doing the same damn thing. Coming home exhausted. Waking up at 7 am. Worrying about what other people think. Getting nice cars and houses just to show off...for what? do I want to wake up every day in fear of my future? well yes, because my fear is what feeds my drive. I have that spark to never give up on my dreams. I will make my mark and be better than the middle class. Most kids my age don't think twice about what they wanna be. I get anxiety badly. People are counting on me. I have fear of failing, fear of disappointment. My motivation is me, for me.


Winners don't quit, they show up.


I can't quit
I can't stop
My mom is counting on me
Keep moving


when you are exausted and want to give up, that's exactly the moment you shouldn't give up.


Lately, I’ve been listening to these types of videos every morning on the way to work instead of music. Sometimes I just want to turn music on instead, but I have to admit I feel so much better and ready to take on the day after listening to these. I never regret it. I also feel ready to take on the future, be more mindful, and have been doing little things to start conquering my fears and bad habits. I think these daily reminders really have the ability to help us change our minds and change our lives!


Started doubting myself
I won’t let the voice in the back of my head get the better of me, I will succeed!!!!


Picking myself up and forcing myself to keep going is all I know...I wouldn’t want it any other way. When we learn from our darkest days, we don’t make the same mistakes, we grow spiritually, and WE BUILD OUR STRENGTHS. THAT’S WHAT EVOLVES OUR SOULS❤️🦁


*There is no point of return.*
*Life isn't easier if you just chose to flow along. The amount of hardships is almost the same. The difference is that choosing your own path, will intensify the feeling of adversities and experiencing failure. But if you chose to not do anything about your dreams, goals and aspirations, you will suffer that amount of of anxiety throughout the life. Prolonged torture of unfulfillment and unrealised potential. Culminating in a bomb of depression when the life has passed by you. So get up, stand up and take actions. Now!*


I just went through major heart surgery and have spent almost 6 months in hospital. I've missed so much school and am finding it hard to keep going. This video helped I will push through ❤❤❤


For me, its better being alone, being with myself to grow, to create, to become exactly what I am supposed to be. Being alone isn't a weakness, it is a clean slate to be me. Motivational speeches are the bits of people that push through all the crap that comes their way, I love this one😁


No one is a millionaire in my family, no one is a millionaire among my friends.
I just need to be the one who will become something big and open their ways and eyes that everything is possible and I'm not weak, I'm the goat 🐐!


Life is too short to worry about things, just do what you want to do and become what you want. If you can believe it, you're already halfway there.


Wow. This is one of the most powerful videos I have ever seen seen and heard. When you feel so defeated you can't look in the mirror at yourself there is only one way to go. I will keep showing up every day. No more feelings of failure. I'm 58 bankrupt working 6days a week just to pay the bills. My best part of my day is my gym time. I really need hope.thank you for making these videos I watched every day now for 2 weeks and they really helped me get out of myself.
