Low Risk and High Reward way to Find Ownership

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WHAT BROUGHT ME TO YOUTUBE: I worked at Goldman Sachs, in Private Equity, and built up a $100M holding company. But after being in Wall Street for so long, I got tired of managing hundreds of millions for the rich. Investing was for the few not the many. F that. You all are the reason I do this. We as a society need to get rich together. My mission is to create 100,000 business owners, I hope you’re one.


Check out my other favorite videos! 🔽


0:00 - Is Your 9-5 Keeping You Broke?
0:16 - How Do You Find Your Side Hustle?
1:17 - Keep Your Job...FOR NOW
3:46 - Do the Thing NOW
7:57 - Turn your Hobby into Side Hustle
9:53 - Spend like a motherf***er
12:45 - Don't use Debt
14:24 - Don't Quit
16:49 - Seriously... Don't Quit


All content on the Codie Sanchez YouTube channel reflects my own opinions and should NOT be taken as legal advice, financial advice, or investment advice. Please seek out the guidance of professionally trained and licensed individuals before making any decisions. Some links in the description may be affiliate links.
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I am 50 and been wanting to be my own boss for 30 years. Finally doing it. But now I have the experience in all facets of business to crush it. I am excited, but a little nervous but its time to push my boat away from the safe harbor.


I hated my job so i fired myself. I kept the job but only kept what unemployment would pay me and banked the rest. It hurt to have so little money. Soon i figured it out cutting expenses and living different. After 2 years i had banked enough to really quit and start a business. Now im making 4x what i was being paid at my job.
Best move i ever made.


You're right. I tried quitting my job before to chase my dream. Didn't work well.


I really appreciate what you do, I think it is a shame that there isn't more entrepreneurs sharing knowledge and encouragement


Thank you Codie for the great advice. I’m a college student, I work part time, and I have my own clothing line that I started last October. I’m not going to give up I’m going to keep going, but my career path is to become an actor, model, and stuntman.


This is actually very rational and honest advice.
Thanks Codie, keep bringing the killer stuff.


Codie I love that you are giving this advice! I started a business that I worked during the day and worked nights at my full time job. It started because I needed to make more money and no one would hire me and the only option was to work for myself. I ended up quitting my job and working full time at my business which freed up time to add more side hustles. I then bought another bus which didn’t work out but was able to sell for more than I bought it for so I broke even.
I had my life turned upside down and closed my business just at the point where I was really starting to grow. (I know stupid) I lost all confidence, moved away, tried 9-5 jobs and working my way up. I was miserable! I got married and am finally at a point where I feel like I can start again.

Thank you for the motivation!


codie ur method worked! im a real estate agent as a side hustle and i texted all my friends (ive only got 6) if they're interested to buy a property from me. 2 of them said yes!!! i cannot believe this power of simply asking❤ thank you so much!!!!


My three favorite channels: Codie Sanchez, Stock Brotha, & How Money Works. Make my week complete! 🔥 🔥 🔥


"2 hours of dedicated work is worth more than most peoples 8 hours". I have just placed an order of 6 stickers with these words because this advice is so profound yet simple but has made me achieve so much in the last two years when i stumbled on the deep work concept.


Really very solid, pragmatic advice. My only quibble is the part about not quitting the W-2 job until your 'side hustle' can pay all the bills...this sounds great in theory but in practice, most people will just get distracted and never reach that point and stay in their comfy W-2 job forever. What finally worked for me was having "NO PLAN B". Nothing focuses the mind like walking a tight-rope without a safety net.


No fluff, just truth bombs and motivation! I call this walking into the dream with your eyes open. There's challenges but if you want to move forward at a rapid pace you probably have to work at it like you never had before, I love the part about mediocrity and multitasking, it took me 20 years to figure that one out on my own...
Worth every second !


I just found your podcast on Instagram sponsored! I’m so excited bc this is the kind of advice I’ve been searching for! Thank you for providing so much value! 🙌🏼


The only Woman who inspires me the most is you, Codie! Definitely a Great content & not everyone in this World takes this much effort to improve People's life with actual practical realistic thoughts.


If you'e a gardener you can certainly grow (garden consultations/design, garden services, garden products, etc.)


As a newbie that wants to invest, you must have these three things in mind
1. Have a long term mindset.
2. Be willing to take risk.
3. Be careful on money usage, if you're not spending to earn back, then stop spending.
4. Never claim to know - Ask questions and it's best you work with a financial advisor.


Coodie, i acknowledge that you're truly the best i have ever met on this platform. Thank you so much for your phenomenal personality❤


Agree i know im not doing enough consistently in my side hustle. Im doing a reset and will follow the 2hr rule per day for the shuzzle. Been whining like a fkn little princess about wanting ro quit my job...that pays me well with great conditions. So pull the head in and do the xtra work to get the results. Im smart and can work hard ive been resisting sacrificing after work time cos im loaded like a donkey it seems (need to say no more) and now its time. Thanks for the punch between the eyes x


I felt the last segment. When I was in residential construction for over a decade, I saw many "owners" who just didn't do well with authority. They were babies that couldn't take criticism and wouldn't listen. "Unhireable, " so to say.
And, my wife is an accountant 😂


Just call and ask if they are interested your product. In all the side hustles it has been warm up the prospect create a lead magnet etc. have often wondered why. After watching this is seems to me to be easier to just and and less painfull.
