Easy steps to deploy pod | Learn Kubernetes POD | K8S POD | Run POD | Deploy POD via yaml file
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Easy way to run pod or deploy pod in Kubernetes.
1. The smallest deployable computing unit
2. Contains one or more containers
3. Share the same network
4. Unique IP
5. By default can communicate with all other PODs
kubectl run ba-nginx --image=beginneracademy/ba-nginx:1.
Kubernetes fundamentals for beginners | What is Kubernetes | Kubernetes basics are explained in 24 mins with practice examples.
If you are a beginner or individual who wants to switch to/learn IT DevOps/cloud/Kubernetes. Then please join.
Introduction to Kubernetes
Open source platform designed to automate Deploying, Scaling, and Operating applications.
Deploy applications quickly and predictably
Scale applications on the fly
Roll out new features seamlessly
Limit hardware usage
The name Kubernetes originates from Greek, Meaning Helmsman or Pilot.
K8s is an abbreviation derived by replacing the 8 letters “Kubernetes” with “8”.
Why Kubernetes?
Kubernetes can Schedule and Run application containers on clusters of Physical or Virtual Servers.
Authentication and Authorization
Naming and Discovery of Services
Load Balancing
Checking Application Health
Replicating Application Instances
Horizontal Pod Auto-scaling
Rolling updates
Mounting Storage
Secrets and ConfigMaps
Monitoring Resources
Accessing and Ingesting Logs
Debugging Applications
Kubernetes is
Physical Servers
Virtual Servers
Public Cloud
Private Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
Multi Cloud
Kubernetes provides Containerized IaaS but not a complete PaaS!
Understand the main Kubernetes Components
Node is
It can be a virtual or physical machine, depending on the cluster.
Pods to run on Nodes.
Contains the services necessary to run Pods.
Each node is managed by the control plane
POD is
Smallest deployable computing unit
Contains 1 or more containers
Share same network
Unique IP
By default can communicate with all other PODs
Service is
Logical grouping of PODs, based on selectors.
Exposes PODs behind single IP and DNS name.
Does load balancing across POD’s
ConfigMap is
An API object used to store non-confidential data in key-value pairs.
Pods can consume ConfigMaps as
An environment variables
Command-line arguments
As configuration files in a volume.
Allows to decouple environment-specific configuration from our container images
Makes applications easily portable.
Secret is
An object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as a passwords
a token
a key.
Such information might otherwise be put in a Pod specification or in a container image.
Using a Secret means that you don't need to include confidential data in your application code. application code.
Deployment is
Higher level abstraction above the POD
Manages lifecycle of POD.
Rollback / Rollout
One 2 One mapping POD specification
Can run 0 to N number of replicas of PODs.
Getting to know YAML
YAML Yet another Markup Language (depending who you ask) is a human- readable text-based format for specifying configuration-type information
• Ex: Kubernetes, SDN, SDS, OpenStack and OpenShift
YAML Basic Rules – Syntax
YAML files extension is .yml or .yaml
YAML is case sensitive
YAML does not allow the use of tabs instead it uses 2 spaces
List members are denoted by a leading hyphen (-)
Associative arrays are represented using the colon space (:) in the form key: value
Why is YAML in k8s?
• Convenience: You’ll no longer have to add all of your parameters to the command line
• Maintenance: YAML files can be added to source control, so you can track changes
• Flexibility: You’ll be able to create much more complex structures using YAML than you can on the command line
1. The smallest deployable computing unit
2. Contains one or more containers
3. Share the same network
4. Unique IP
5. By default can communicate with all other PODs
kubectl run ba-nginx --image=beginneracademy/ba-nginx:1.
Kubernetes fundamentals for beginners | What is Kubernetes | Kubernetes basics are explained in 24 mins with practice examples.
If you are a beginner or individual who wants to switch to/learn IT DevOps/cloud/Kubernetes. Then please join.
Introduction to Kubernetes
Open source platform designed to automate Deploying, Scaling, and Operating applications.
Deploy applications quickly and predictably
Scale applications on the fly
Roll out new features seamlessly
Limit hardware usage
The name Kubernetes originates from Greek, Meaning Helmsman or Pilot.
K8s is an abbreviation derived by replacing the 8 letters “Kubernetes” with “8”.
Why Kubernetes?
Kubernetes can Schedule and Run application containers on clusters of Physical or Virtual Servers.
Authentication and Authorization
Naming and Discovery of Services
Load Balancing
Checking Application Health
Replicating Application Instances
Horizontal Pod Auto-scaling
Rolling updates
Mounting Storage
Secrets and ConfigMaps
Monitoring Resources
Accessing and Ingesting Logs
Debugging Applications
Kubernetes is
Physical Servers
Virtual Servers
Public Cloud
Private Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
Multi Cloud
Kubernetes provides Containerized IaaS but not a complete PaaS!
Understand the main Kubernetes Components
Node is
It can be a virtual or physical machine, depending on the cluster.
Pods to run on Nodes.
Contains the services necessary to run Pods.
Each node is managed by the control plane
POD is
Smallest deployable computing unit
Contains 1 or more containers
Share same network
Unique IP
By default can communicate with all other PODs
Service is
Logical grouping of PODs, based on selectors.
Exposes PODs behind single IP and DNS name.
Does load balancing across POD’s
ConfigMap is
An API object used to store non-confidential data in key-value pairs.
Pods can consume ConfigMaps as
An environment variables
Command-line arguments
As configuration files in a volume.
Allows to decouple environment-specific configuration from our container images
Makes applications easily portable.
Secret is
An object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as a passwords
a token
a key.
Such information might otherwise be put in a Pod specification or in a container image.
Using a Secret means that you don't need to include confidential data in your application code. application code.
Deployment is
Higher level abstraction above the POD
Manages lifecycle of POD.
Rollback / Rollout
One 2 One mapping POD specification
Can run 0 to N number of replicas of PODs.
Getting to know YAML
YAML Yet another Markup Language (depending who you ask) is a human- readable text-based format for specifying configuration-type information
• Ex: Kubernetes, SDN, SDS, OpenStack and OpenShift
YAML Basic Rules – Syntax
YAML files extension is .yml or .yaml
YAML is case sensitive
YAML does not allow the use of tabs instead it uses 2 spaces
List members are denoted by a leading hyphen (-)
Associative arrays are represented using the colon space (:) in the form key: value
Why is YAML in k8s?
• Convenience: You’ll no longer have to add all of your parameters to the command line
• Maintenance: YAML files can be added to source control, so you can track changes
• Flexibility: You’ll be able to create much more complex structures using YAML than you can on the command line