Catalyst Platform Tutorial 02 – How to upload a resource
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Tutorial 02 of the Catalyst Platform Tutorial series. This series explains how to easily use and navigate the platform. Please enable the subtitles for more details.
CC Transcript:
To upload a resource to the Catalyst platform, simply follow these steps. First, you need to be signed in. Second, navigate through the drop-down menu on the top right corner, indicated by an arrow next to your user name, and choose My Content. Third, select Resources if not already selected and click Create Resource in the right-hand corner here. When creating a resource you need to provide Title, Abstract, Author(s), Tags, Document Type, Resource URL(s), and File Type. You can also add Files, Keywords and a Location. Once you have filled everything in, click Create Resource again to publish it on the platform. You can see the resources you have uploaded under My Content and click on Edit to make changes or delete the resource.
CC Transcript:
To upload a resource to the Catalyst platform, simply follow these steps. First, you need to be signed in. Second, navigate through the drop-down menu on the top right corner, indicated by an arrow next to your user name, and choose My Content. Third, select Resources if not already selected and click Create Resource in the right-hand corner here. When creating a resource you need to provide Title, Abstract, Author(s), Tags, Document Type, Resource URL(s), and File Type. You can also add Files, Keywords and a Location. Once you have filled everything in, click Create Resource again to publish it on the platform. You can see the resources you have uploaded under My Content and click on Edit to make changes or delete the resource.