7 Must-Ask Questions Men Need To Ask Women Before Dating! (SCREEN HER LIKE THIS)

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Are you tired of falling for the wrong woman? Learn why men should character gauge women instead of just focusing on looks. Do you struggle with knowing what you want in a relationship? Find out why having standards is crucial for your dating success. Are you ready to level up your dating game? Explore the importance of character gauging women and asking the right questions. Discover how to screen women effectively to find a partner who aligns with your values and goals. Subscribe for more dating insights and relationship guidance!

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Psychological Secrets To Get A Woman To Value You!

How To Know You Aren't The Only One She's Talking To.



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Apollonia Ponti is the top leading female dating coaching with over 8 years of experience working with men directly. She is the #1 leading dating and relationship coach for men that with hundreds of proven testimonials. She has worked with over 5,000 men. Apollonia Ponti is going to help you attract women, talk to women, date women, seduce women, get the woman you want, become more confident, help you pick the right woman, how to flirt, and most importantly, attract high-quality women to have a healthy relationship with the woman you've always wanted.

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Also, She also has to be free of a history of DWIs, creditors chasing her, domestic disturbances, etc.


This is a great video; however, I think "Where do you see yourself in five years" is not a good question to ask. I have asked girls before where they see themselves in five years and time after time they responded with "Why are you interviewing me" type answers. In other words all answers I have received made the girl feel like she was being interviewed. I know this because they told me as much. I would avoid this question.


When communicating with a woman from online dating some of these questions should be asked. When talking online it is always like and interview. Then when meeting them for the first time, make it fun and throw in a question and don’t do it in a rapid fashion. Make it fun. Leave your ego at the door and you will have a great conversation. Second date is another time to ask questions since you have found out more about the woman. It would be like three dates. You already found out about each other. First chatting online then the meet and greet. The third date talk and be alittle more romantic.


I've heard it said "we make decisions with our emotions, than try to use logic and reasoning to justify the choice..."


Finally, men vetting women instead of society viewing the man having to accept whatever decision a woman picks and choose. Glad Appolina recognizes men too have wants and feelings and aren't like picking a toothpaste.


Too few men do this. That's why so many relationships and marriages failed. What's worse is that so many infidelity occurs as a result. If you don't set up a building with a strong foundation, it doesn't matter how great the top looks. It will fall down eventually.


Excellent advice...unfortunately way too many women place lust and chemistry above the more important traits


Wanna see you reach a million subscribers ❤been listen you for years


Thank you ! I like the open ended question the best: “ what are you looking for?”


I also enjoy your advice here and yeah, this is important to screen for quality girls!


@Apollonia Ponti Hello from Norway...And thank you


Great video. 2024 is going to be the year I hopefully make your catch phrase true and find someone awesome to love me.


Hi Apollonia thanks for you video. I like more shorter one rather then too long...


Thank you Apollonia, you have reinforced what I've always believed. 😊


Apollonia informative video the 3 too 5 year question be not a truth teller for a woman whose late bloomer like myself as a man late bloomer would fail that question, but informative as always


Hey, you only gave us six questions. You mentioned how does she deal with conflict, twice. Perhaps it's a question that's so important that it needs to be asked twice.

Either way, you gave us some solid advice.


If she can’t answer the question “what gets her excited in life” how is it a red flag? In what way? Thank you again 🙏🏽


One social meet up group I attended lately, one of the guys there told me he sadly didn't get his very first girlfriend until he was 30, while he is happy about having a girlfriend now, he still gets kind of depressed and bitter and resentful over having been single that long. Feels he didn't grow up having a normal youth because of being single that long. Causes him to envy and feel resentment and feel bitter when he sees couples out there younger than him.

He has the mindset that he feels if he had been born a woman at least an average plain-looking woman, then there is a guarantee he would not have been alone or single that long. Since women are always guaranteed attention or dating options because for all time women have always been on the receiving end of sexual attention. A lot of guys hate and resent how nature and reality dictates that men have to make the first move all the time and be the initiators and do the pursuing but unfortunately there's no other way.

Yet people think men still have the better end of the stick in the dating world than women do, especially when men are far more likely than women are to be single that long, be alone or single longer, or to have a lonely journey, yes men and women each have different difficulties or different issues to deal with but being alone or single later than normal is normally never an issue or never a problem for women.

He says he feels angry and mad whenever people and Society say that he should feel grateful that he has a girlfriend now and that he has no right to feel angry and bitter that he was single and alone that long.

Or why get angry and upset about what didn't happen in the past.

Well he has a right to feel how he wants to feel.

Probably because women are just a guaranteed options and attentions for just existing and breathing or having a pulse but it's not true if you're a guy or a human male.

Men have to learn all of these skills or behaviors or know how to talk and behave a certain way or act a certain way to attract women( I got even more pissed off when a guy said that men also have to learn how to talk a certain way and behave a certain way or act a certain way in order to get a job or get certain social ranking in Society), that pissed me off a lot because that's a different issue and that's a different matter and plus the way you talk and behave and act in order to get a job or get social ranking in Society is different than what it takes to attract women, women however since they play a passive role, I just don't understand why or how women have to learn any skills in order to attract men, I just don't get it, that doesn't require any learning or I just don't see how it requires any learning.

So yeah I get very mad and annoyed that there is even dating advice for women on how to attract men

But yeah I get very angry whenever people think men have it better than women do in dating.

I feel like I can relate to him because I didn't really have a breakthrough or a long-term relationship until my early 30s, I'll forever be sad and depressed and bitter and resentful that I didn't have a long-term relationship in my 20s.

Yet people still think men have it better than women do when in fact women have always been and always will be less at risk than men do at being chronically alone or single later than normal like I described.

It won't surprise me if you are the type of guy or the type of person who has the mindset that it's better to be a man than it is to be a woman at the end of the day.

Overall, I will forever be angry and bitter, resentful, that I didn't have a girlfriend until later than normal.

I remember when one person told me that I should just be glad that I was able to get a girlfriend or have a girlfriend now and enjoy the fruits of my labor and that just made me more angry and pissed me off even more it sounds like that person has the mindset or mentality that a guy or a man should still be happy that even if he finally managed to get a girlfriend even in his 50s or 60s or as a senior citizen.

Yeah I have the mindset that women are the only gender that are owed a relationship but men are not.

It naturally feels like women are owed a relationship but men are not, because when you're on the receiving end of sexual attention it means that you always have options and choices or it just means that you are in abundance by default for simply just existing.


A Low Quality Woman watching this Video: I'm can never be one of those Low-Quality Women 😂


How do you manage the energy shifts when you ask these questions ? I feel.really readable when i get delayed answers and usually answer then myself . Adhd vibes lol
