10 Minute Livecoding Challenge S01E11 - Marije Baalman

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This week Marije Baalman will be livecoding for us. In her forthcoming "Behind The Screens" segment she elaborates on her sentiments towards what is essentially the act of public livecoding: "The excitement of coding in front of an audience is interesting. I’ve given presentations to people who work in ICT, and they are quite nervous about doing something like that. It’s the fear of making mistakes. But making mistakes is an essential part of coding, of problem solving: it is like taking different viewpoints on a problem and that is part of the process. Process is performance. The risk of failure is what makes performance interesting."

Find more of Marije's work here:

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This performance is part of the 10 minute livecoding challenge by Creative Coding Utrecht and Netherlands Coding Live — a series of events where digital artists and live coders create a piece in ten minutes.
The 10 Minute Live Coding Challenge is sponsored by Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.

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