Terra’s Story, Part 1:The Decision to Have a Revisional Bariatric Surgery

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Terra Daniels Parker’s journey began in 2015. Originally from Columbia, South Carolina, Terra and her six children were uprooted by a devastating flood that destroyed their home. They lost everything but their lives and the clothes on their backs.

Terra remembers this as one of the worst parts of her life. Not only facing the displacement of her family, but her weight had also ballooned up to 287 pounds, and she was searching for answers. This was when she turned to her faith to help find her way. She prayed for guidance and newfound weight loss, health, and happiness.

Terra eventually ended up in Jacksonville, Florida, and had heard about the Lap-Band procedure. She thought it would be a quick fix and turn her life around. Unfortunately, the operation failed.

Eventually, she realized mind over matter would help her make life-altering changes with her weight. And it was Dr. Husain Abbas, a surgeon from Memorial Advanced Surgery in Jacksonville, who helped guide her through some of the darkest moments of her life, revising her bariatric surgery and subsequently restarting her weight loss efforts.

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