Search, Find, Remove or Delete Empty Directories and Folders in PC by Britec

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Search, Find, Remove or Delete Empty Directories and Folders in PC
RED -- Remove Empty Directories
One might think that searching and deleting empty directories is a trivial thing, but once you have hundreds of them it get's really exhausting. That's the reason I made RED. It's a small and simple tool that searches and deletes empty directories recursively below a given start folder. And before deleting anything it let's you check all empty directories it found.
Shows empty directories before deleting them
Supports multiple delete modes (including Delete to recycle bin) (Version 2.2)
Allows white and black listing of directories by using filter lists
Can detect directories with empty files as empty
RED Remove Empty Directories enables you to find and remove empty folders, often left behind from previous software installations. You can choose to scan only a specific folder hierarchy e.g. Program Files or search an entire drive. You can choose to exclude system folders as well as custom directory names and also specify whether the program should consider folders that only contain zero-byte files 0kb as empty or not.
Advanced users can even set custom name patterns to identify files that should be considered "junk", which enables you to locate folders that, although not empty, only contain useless file.Before deleting anything, RED will present you with comprehensive preview that shows you a list of all folders that match your criteria. You can then choose to proceed with the cleanup, pick folders to be excluded or manually delete individual directories.
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RED -- Remove Empty Directories
One might think that searching and deleting empty directories is a trivial thing, but once you have hundreds of them it get's really exhausting. That's the reason I made RED. It's a small and simple tool that searches and deletes empty directories recursively below a given start folder. And before deleting anything it let's you check all empty directories it found.
Shows empty directories before deleting them
Supports multiple delete modes (including Delete to recycle bin) (Version 2.2)
Allows white and black listing of directories by using filter lists
Can detect directories with empty files as empty
RED Remove Empty Directories enables you to find and remove empty folders, often left behind from previous software installations. You can choose to scan only a specific folder hierarchy e.g. Program Files or search an entire drive. You can choose to exclude system folders as well as custom directory names and also specify whether the program should consider folders that only contain zero-byte files 0kb as empty or not.
Advanced users can even set custom name patterns to identify files that should be considered "junk", which enables you to locate folders that, although not empty, only contain useless file.Before deleting anything, RED will present you with comprehensive preview that shows you a list of all folders that match your criteria. You can then choose to proceed with the cleanup, pick folders to be excluded or manually delete individual directories.
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