From algebraic K-theory to motivic cohomology and back | Marc Levine | Лекториум

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From algebraic K-theory to motivic cohomology and back | Лектор: Marc Levine | Организатор: Математическая лаборатория имени П.Л.Чебышева

Although homology and cohomology had been a well established theory before the middle of the twentieth century, it proved surprisingly difficult to construct a purely algebraic version. Rather than cohomology, it was K-theory around 1970 that became the first analog of a good topological theory. The corresponding cohomology was conjectured to exist by Beilinson, coming out of his work on regulators and values of L-functions in the early 80’s. We will trace the further development of this theory and its relation to algebraic K-theory and describe how, after more than 30 years since Beilinson first used algebraic K-theory as an approximation to cohomology, algebraic K-theory is again giving direction to new types of algebraic cohomology theories.

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I not a scientist but I'm a little confused


These people keep asking simple idiotic questions that they already know the answers to, just to show off and proclaim how smart they are!
