Bugatti Chiron vs Autobahn - Top Speed TEST

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It is July 2021, and it's been six years since our last trip to the Autobahn near Wittenberg, Germany. We have been to this city a few times, to remind us of the great reformer - Martin Luther. We are thankful for his hunger for Truth, his obedience to the Word of God, rather than the traditions of man and his courage to stand up to tyranny and oppression, even if it would cost him his life. We recommend the book Great Controversy, where this history is explained and reveals what is happening in our time today and where we are heading.

After our trip, on Sunday morning, we performed a speed test, but this time with the Bugatti Chiron. We also tested the Porsche 911 Turbo, Lamborghini Aventador and the Bentley Flying Spur. (Those cars might be in a different video).

The section of the A2 was a 3 lane, 10 km straightaway with a light descent in the middle, so there was visibility along the whole stretch. Safety was a priority, so the circumstances had to be safe to go.
We thank God for the safety and good circumstances, as we were able to reach the speed of 414 km/h!

We hope you enjoy the video and yes, we made this video for you to feel the excitement in the Chiron, but also to consider a relationship with Jesus, who brings true love, joy and hope to anybody who comes to Him.


Radim and his video team

00:00 - History of the Veyron
01:18 - Delivery of the Chiron
02:27 - Early Morning in Wittenberg
03:16 - TopSpeed TEST
05:16 - Final Prayer

Full video of Bugatti Veyron World Record on autobahn 402,5 km/h

#bugatti #chiron #veyron
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Respect for an owner who actually uses his car rather than just driving around a city for the entire ownership showing off.


Congrats to the cameraman who managed to run next to the car the whole time.


Imagine driving in the right lane and being overtaken by such a rocket flying at 400+ km/h. Insane!!!


That prayer… was so nice and respectful


The way it pulled from 300-350kms is just insane 🔥🔥


As a citizen who lives in a country plagued with terrible accidents and reckless driving, I commend you for taking every precaution possible for this run. Your timing was right and there isnt a hint of recklessness in this video. The first sign of your utmost responsibility was evident when waiting for the bend to end before opening her up. A man cant be criticized for driving at high speed on a road with no speed limits set while taking every precaution possible. If I could ever afford such a vehicle I will follow your example. And the production quality of this video was spot on. GG To you and your team. I look forward to one day seeing one of these cars in the flesh! Subscribed!


5:10 The Chiron has amazing stability control considering the fact that he just momentarily lifted his hands off the steering wheel at 300km/h!


I'm a born again believer of Christ from Africa, you inspire me Sir that you can acknowledge Jesus, it is rare to see wealthy men humbling themselves to the Savoir. God abundantly bless you Sir.


Would be awesome to see the fuel gauge in parallel


Imagine scoring 400+ speed in the speedometer bar that has 500 speed on it! What a stunning performance


Paráda! Jsem rád, že ještě existují lidé, co tahle hypersportovní auta dokáží užívat k tomu, k čemu byly stvořena. Dosahování vysokých rychlostí. A ne je jen nechat leštit v ohromných skrytých garážích a najezdit s tím většinu kilometrů jen mezi garáží a odtahovkou do servisu na pravidelnou prohlídku. Chápu, že ta "sranda" používat tato auta něco stojí, ale lepší si užít tu zábavu s nimi, než kupovat další a další.


15 years ago I had a very fast car, I accelerated it up to 270 km / h on an empty highway, I was in the left lane, I saw a car in the right lane, without any other car, I was passing it was a simple smart, suddenly it moved for no reason in front of my car, luckily I was able to brake, with all the force that the brakes and tires of my car had and to avoid an accident, I stopped immediately after, the tires of my car they were smoking, I could see the steam rising up the hood, the smart one only went 120km / h, the speed difference was 150km / h could have killed us. Some speeds can be reached but only in particular situations, nobody can be trusted and they can be blamed. There are circuits or airports for some things, create a circuit long enough to run with cars even at 1000km / h, but on the road keep in mind that 1 person is worth 1.


Imagine driving that fast and just letting go of the steering wheel like he did when slowing down😅
I've driven a car at around 250 km/h at most and my hands and attention were so extremely focused but this guy is just chilling haha..
Insane video!


Nice car from the VW group. Just bought a 2 door Seat Mii (still with manual handles for the windows, no cruise control, massive 60 hp) and tried it on the motorway. Reached a whopping 120 km/h !


The only thing I wished, that you had another car with few cameras going normal speed of around 160kmh in right lane, the flyby would be insane.


Makes our autobahn top speed run video seem like nothing!!! 😂


Wow, what a truly inspiring video! It's clear that this guy has an undying passion for cars and a determination that is second to none. It's truly humbling to see someone who has encountered setbacks along the way, but still persevered and never gave up on his dreams.

I was blown away by his honesty and humility. He could have easily become discouraged and given up on his pursuit of reaching top speeds, but instead, he continued to push himself and his car to the limit, all while maintaining a positive attitude and never losing sight of his goals.

It's amazing to see someone who is so passionate about their craft and willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve success. I have so much respect for this guy and his unwavering commitment to his passion.

Overall, this video is a true testament to the power of determination and the importance of never giving up on your dreams. Thank you for sharing your story with us and inspiring us all to reach for the stars!


Im from germany and got lucky enough to have driven in a porsche at around 295 kph on the autobahn… but 417… thats scary! 🤯🤯🤯


It will be my great pleasure to meet you up close. I'm in Athens, Greece. I just saw your video by chance on the internet. I grew up with a Christian upbringing and we are like a family, all close to the Church and God, Jesus Christ. As soon as I saw the point where you prayed before the test but also after the test, I was very happy that there are people who believe in God and that they upload videos on the internet. I wish God to always have you well, healthy and strong, and the people who were with you as well. May God bless you and guide your every step.


" A leaf from a tree
doesn't fall to the ground
without the will of GoD "
So I like the praying
iN the beginning
& in the end
