3ds Max Biped to Unreal Engine - No Retargeting Needed!

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The easiest way to export characters and animations from 3ds Max to Unreal Engine.
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Hello Animators! Based on feedback from users, I've just released Update 3 for my Biped to Unreal Templates. This update gives animators much greater control over how the root bone is animated - you can now selectively enable/disable root motion for each individual axis! Download the update for free from your Gumroad or Artstation account.


Been looking for something like this for ages, incredibly useful. Templates are nicely laid out, love that you included ALL of the Unreal mannequins!


Kudos to you, sir, for being responsive in the comments and for creating an asset that is so useful. Your video is topnotch too and is so well done. I'm a fan and subscriber now.


THANK YOU for keeping a professional tone without any distracting background music, mindless banter, or stupid intro video. Just got the studio license, we love these templates! It's ingenious how you rigged the root controller to the IK chain with the wired parameters, I'm still trying to decontruct these to figure out exactly how you did it. Any plans for a CAT version?


Regarding scale issues. I figured out what happened. You had done some of these files in 1 unit = 1cm. However, others are in 1 unit= 1 inch. you must have had a units mismatch when you were making the different files along the way. So I guessed the answer by applying the inverse solution to make it the proper number of centimeters within the inches scale. what I did was open up your centimeters file that was too big inside the inches file. Then change my units in max from inches to centimeters, export at one unit = one centimeter scale. Then it exported correct scale to Unreal.


Amazing work! Professional explanation! Thank you a million! gonna get it ASAP.!


Please show the process of fitting costume character to biped and adding skin weight. I bought 2 of your products but have no Idea how to work with it. Your tutorial explain work with animations (that is having no value as it's no 3ds max animation marketplace in the world) but what's really useful is converting your character with your cloth to UE 5 mannequin. So please make your product user-friendly and add some videos with full process from start to finish. Or give the links to other people tutorials who show how to do it the right way. Thanks.


Quick question: I have only skipped through the video, but it looks like you cannot use this template to convert an existing 3ds max biped (including the Bip as well as the skinned mesh) to the Unreal skeleton this way?
That would be the usecase I´d need it for. I have 300+ skinned meshes that use the same Bip skeleton, but having to reskin all of them is not an option of course...


I bought this. Is there a max file that uses centimeters instead of inches? Unreal's default unit is meters. Converting unit scales is too much work. Do you know an easy way to convert? (I'm a beginner animator)


선생님 잘쓰고 있습니다. 근데 언리얼에서 poseDriver 를 이용한 트위스트 본까지 리깅된 파일도 만들어 주실수 없을까요 부탁 드립니다..ㅜ.ㅜ


I would like to buy your template but how to replace that manquin with a custom character ? I am a level designer and 3d modeler but a noob to animation ?


I bought your skeletons, they are amazing but I have a question

how do I make sure I also have the biped_select tool?
I can't find it on my system


Can you please tell me, I have customized the skinning for my character, but I did it on the UE4 skeleton, can I transfer it to the UE5 skeleton?


question. please tell me when I separate the UE4 Mannequin mesh from all skeletons, do convert to editable poly, I can not move (move) the Mannequin mesh, how to turn it off? I need to move it


I have already purchased this product. May I replace the model with my own character?

How should I handle IK bones?



Hi there, i just bought the plugin, whats the best way of adding extra bones? can i add them with Biped? xtra etc?


why does the RootController (arrow in the legs) not move in the x y z directions??? how to disable the lock?


I bought both as soon as I saw this.

Upon checking,
Currently, the RootController is following the XY axis of BIP001.
This is smart for a start, but is it possible to add Custom Attributes that only follow the Y-axis, or only follow the X-axis?
If you want to animate your character walking or running, you will need the options above.


awesome vid bond! thanks for the tut! i have a none human character (optimus prime) and its already rigged on 3ds max but i wanted to send it to unreal engine 5.1. will this work as well? given that the anatomy might be slightly off due to the longer legs and mechanical arms on the model? sorry ive never opened up 3ds max so forgive me if this is a dumb question lol


Hello, thank you so much for the great tool, but can I use this on Metahumans ?, and if yes, could you please explain how ?. Thanks
