What it Feels Like to Play Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (ROBLOX)

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Being a medicine cat is either having a patient every 20 minutes and sitting around or the medicine den is filled with most of the clan haha.


Honestly, roleplaying in WCU is kinda like a fever dream. Most things don't happen when you want them to, because what moves the clan is mostly the leader, but there are so many cats that most of the time the leader doesn't even know which is which, what they are doing, etc, etc. So you have like a normal day taking like 3 in-game days to complete, and most people don't realize, or needing to constantly go off-roleplay because there are too many apprentices, so a few of them have to turn into warriors, and a myriad of other problems.
Suffice to say that the only good roleplays you'll have are in organized discord servers


Wcue has a lot of potential that's not being used. [extremely long]

For example, It'd be nice if loners/rogues had actual loner/rongue's names. I see them all the time and I doubt they're all former clan cats. They need to understand that having a two-words name is a clan's thing not a warrior cat's thing. This way they wouldn't have to worry about their suffix or about having a name that a cat would understand it's meaning. It'd leave room for much more creative names without having to be a kittypet.

It'd also be nice if people in clan's understood that a warrior can have a kittypet/rogue name or have their prefix be a kittypet/rogue word. Kits can be named after a non-clan cat to honor that cat's actions and sometimes non-forestborns want to keep their name when they join a clan (examples: Millie, Boulder, Harrybrook, Daisy, Macgyver, Harveymoon). Also that can happen to every clan, not just Thunderclan or Skyclan (Boulder, Russetfur. Windclan even accepted rogues as visitors in Tallstar's revenge which means that they too could accept kittypets/loners. Riverclan accepted Hawkfrost and Mothwing and they would've accept Sasha too if she wanted to live among them. Shadowclan was ready to accept her too).

Speaking of Tallstar's revenge, why not have a Windclan roleplay where there are tunnelers. Just because tunneling has been banned in the series doesn't mean that people can't be tunnelers in the game. I think players should let people have more than just the general roles as long as it's something that could happen in warrior cats or has happened.

Wars don't need to be excused by a tragic event. Clans can fight for territory, accusations and access to prey (sunning rock is an excellent excuse for battles between Thunderclan and Riverclan). Revenge or being evil doesn't always have to be the reason behind a war.

Skirmishes. Crossing a border on accident is a common thing, especially if a warrior or apprentice is too focused on chasing prey. So why not do it in the game too? Just make sure it doesn't happen too many times. Border skirmishes are also great for meeting people who would like to have a forbidden relationship with you.

Duties. So many duties are being neglected. Warriors can be seen sitting in one spot all day and contributing nothing. You don't need to be picked on a border or hunting patrol to go out. Nor do you need to have an apprentice to train. Warriors can go out by themselves or with a partner and hunt on their own or go herb-collecting. Also if there are elders, make sure that your apprentice has tend to them at least once in their training. The leader should also make sure that the elders have been tend to at least once everyday. Deputies. If a warrior on a patrol has an apprentice that isn't busy at the moment, make sure to include them too, patrols are really important for gaining experience. Also, if you have enough people in the clan make more patrols and more often (at least three hunting and three border patrols a day. One at dawn, two in the midday and one at dusk are good enough for border patrols (also tell them which parts to check, it can take a whole day if they have to patrol the whole territory). For hunting, just make sure that there's fresh prey on the pile each time the border patrols return). As for apprentices and mentors, make sure that there's variety when training. An apprentice should be shown the territory, where to mark their scent when they're on border patrol, skills and moves that are exclusive to each clan (the wiki is a good guide for that), fighting, hunting, constantly remind them of the warrior code and to thank starclan after they successfully kill prey, how to communicate without using words so that they don't alert prey or intruders, to care for their clanmates, some basic knowledge about herbs and to keep themselves safe/ not take unnecessary risk to appear brave during battle. The last thing you want is for them to get killed or seriously injured. As for their warrior assessment, leaders should take them along when they visit the moonstone. Unlike the moonpool, leaders always take more than one cat with them for safety. Also when traveling there, don't forget to eat traveling herbs unless you're a leader. Vigils are very important too and not only when a new warrior is made but when mourning for the loss of a clamate too. It is also the elders' duty to bury that clamate. Guards, where are the guards? Especially at night? There's always one warrior guarding the entrance in all of the clans but I've never seen it in the game (I tried it once in ShadowClan and it was really effective in stopping strangers from wandering in the camp without permission or warning the clan of an invasion). Misbehavior should also be punished, that can be done by demoting someone or giving them elder duties, just make sure their punishment is not too cruel. Finally, when naming a new warrior, always ask their mentor if they think their apprentice is ready.

Medicine cats DON'T have the ability to demote a leader. It's only possible if it's starclan's will and since people don't play as starclan cats often enough to decide whether a cat is as worthy as they thought at first, it should be the clan's decision. People should vote whether a leader is worthy or not. Don't forget, a devoted leader is not necessary useless or evil so still treat them with the same respect you would show to another clanmate.

The warrior code. Nobody follows the warrior code. Cats are supposed to thank starclan for their prey and to care for their clanmates. Killing or seriously injuring your opponent is dishonorable! If it wasn't an accident or something you did in the heat of the battle then it's murder. You don't need to kill to win, you just need to beat someone enough for them to flee or to not be able to fight anymore. Even sparing an enemy can win you a battle since you're sparing them because they're too weak to fight or flee. Also if a leader loses a life (a reason to not participate in every single battle) then the fight is over. Still, don't kill a leader just because they have more lives. If they realize that they're losing then just let them retreat with their clan. Disobeying and disagreeing with a leader or medicine cat are completely different things. Having a different opinion shouldn't be a reason for someone to accuse you of disloyalty. Caring for another clan's or a non-clan cat's condition isn't disloyalty as long as you don't do something that breaks the warrior code. Having friends that aren't your clanmates is allowed as long as you put your clan first. Having feelings for them is also allowed as long as you don't act on them. Now a non-clan cat in your territory or camp should only be allowed to stay if your leader says so, otherwise it's your responsibility as a warrior to drive them out AND report the incident to your leader or deputy. Not doing any harm is not an excuse for them to stay. They're disrespecting your boundaries by crossing your scent line and refusing to leave. So scare them and follow them until you're sure they have left your territory (trespassers also shouldn't get mad out of roleplay if you chase them, it is completely normal for someone to want to make sure that you're leaving). Care for your clan mates, search for the lost ones and help the ones that need it, it is your duty. Wait at the border for a patrol if you want to speak to another clan's leader, you may only trespass if it's an emergency or no patrol is showing up. Make sure elders and kits have eaten first. Finally, bury the bones of your prey, it's a disrespect to starclan not to do that.

Escorts. Escorting isn't always an act of kindness. Sometimes warriors don't trust you to leave so an escort is the best way for them to make sure of that.

Kittypets/prey/predators. Yes, you're a warrior and have been trained to fight but that doesn't mean you're invisible to a kitty pet. Sometimes kittypets are territorial and fiesty and they might not appreciate how close you are to their territory. A kittypet giving you a hard time is not power playing. They too can give nasty wounds sometimes, you just have better chances of beating them because of your training. Prey can harm you too if not kill you, especially if you're a kit. A hare can break a full-grown cat's spine if not careful and sometimes you can die from shock if not from infection. You are not a power player for defeating a stronger animal, especially if you have a force. Two warriors can even kill a fox though that's rare and they would rather drive it out instead. Of course always ask for permission.

When winning a battle with little injuries and no losses, make sure to celebrate the night with a feast. You don't have to participate but it's great for sharing tongues which doesn't happen often enough.

Kittypets, custom clans, rogues or loners can have territory too. Saying that you can't claim unclaimed land as your territory is not true. The clans aren't the only ones that care about land.

Rogues can form groups too, you don't have to be a clan. You can also be barn cats like barley and ravenpaw


Yeah non-cats do get harassed a lot, fortunately it's never happened to me. I try to stay far away from Clans and sometimes even use my differences from cats to have a fun roleplay or character development. Like my vixen character Winter Blaze, who was initially raised by cats but got bullied a lot so she left, but then she was accused by WindClan of murder so she is now half blind. Non-cats can be lots of fun if you play them right and somehow manage to get into a roleplay with nice people.


The worst part is when you play as a loner they boldly assume your a rouge and jump you when your on a walk


The deputy one is accurate. I’ve had this happen to me. Three. Times. Two of them I was made leader instantly and then was left to be leader.
EDIT: Also- once there was a group of specs that formed a creature with three heads, and one of them said “WE ARE GOD’S MISTAKE.”


The “floppa squad” is now my new sleep paralysis demon.


The medicine cat part was so accurate- I was just chilling with my app then suddenly everyone decided to get injured- we had one dead leader, three cats that my app treated in two minutes, someone injured in the sandy hollow, loses their memory and when we fix them right after a wolf/dog hybrid gets hurt, then a kit gets run over by a monster, the cat with he lost memory returns and is hurt again. It was very overwhelming, so much so that we had to close the med den and my app died from 'stress' :(


i've played as a fox before and i was apart of a cute little skulk that stole food from the clans, whenever a clan cat approached them they would try to make themselves seem bigger like a cat then run off. & during that time the mom of the skulk stole a kit mistaking it as food, let the kit run off after it hissed and then the entirety of shadowclan raided their home and nearly killed us both, it was a fun experience


“Alright, I have a solution!”


As an apprentice, mentors tend to forget about apprentices easily. Forget to do a training session, forget to train them a couple of different stuff (like climbing for example. It does happen for a warrior in the books to neglect something in the app's training, so it's fine to focus more on one thing as it adds more realism).

Also, tips for non-cats.
Foxes/wolves: Whatever action you want to do in a clan camp, ask for permission. Plan on stealing kits? Permission. Plan on stealing herbs? Permission *from the medicine cat(s).* Plan on leaving tracks around territory? Permission. You must ask for it, otherwise you'll be ignored and seen as annoying, or get attacked out of rp. Once you got your permission granted, if the leader doesn't do it, tell them to call a meeting out of roleplay to ask the clan if they're fine with non-cat drama around their territory or even in camp. That's the most fair thing to do. Otherwise, there'll be like 3-4 players getting involved and the rest will just chill around, making the rp die quickly (since the leader and deputy are most likely to deal with you, leaving the clan leaderless, can also make the clan want to change leaders or server swap as the leader is "unexperienced").
Any kind of prey: Don't be in the camp, and expect to be eaten. Don't be like "boop to claim" or something like that. You're prey (unless you're a spectator). Also, prey wouldn't go somewhere they know are predators. They wouldn't even go near it. Spectate to see when someone will go on a patrol (so that you don't roam around in circles waiting for hours) and then go outside near the entrance or some sort (not too near), or cross their path, and let them do their thing. If they come with apprentices then they can teach them how to hunt. If that's the case, make sure to make it difficult for the app, but not too difficult. Be confused, feel a presence, and if you're slow prey, stay still and wait to be caught. If you're quick prey, run away but not to far to allow the app a second chance.


I recently saw a Dora cult on ultimate edition with a really realistic skin and I was scared


The non-cat thing is a problem I have had happen sometimes.
I roleplayed as a fox kit named Cercis that was adopted at 2 moons old by RiverClan. Now I had been roleplay for about three hours at that point, and I guess none of the people who joined after I got perms really realized I was a fox. Cercis became a warrior named Cercis'pelt. And then someone (whom I had been rping with) finally realized she was a fox and started getting on my case. I didn't bother trying to defend myself. A fight started between several people (even someone who was on 'my' side threatening to get a mod involved) and I just left the rp.
It's frustrating for me to have tried to make it as realistic as possible and then get forced out of a rp that I had been in much longer than anyone else just because I was doing something a bit different.
I have fun playing as non-cats, but the issue is some people are rather rude about it whenever I want to do it. Which has stopped me from wanting to do it. Which sucks because I love my non-cats (A silver fox, a cross fox, a fennec fox, and a border collie)

Honestly I don't know how a respectfully roleplaying fox is any worse than a powerplaying cat who drags home fully grown deer and takes on packs of wolves and win. I always asked perms for when I wanted to play as Cercis. I do understand how non-cats might not be wanted in the clans but at the same time, what's the harm in it? Yes a fox is more powerful than a cat, but they're not invincible.
I dunno. It just kinda irks me a bit on how the community tends to treat non-cats. Especially when they're roleplaying respectfully and not doing anything wrong.


I recall a very interesting rp i had recently, when there were two 'main' rps in the server - WindClan and a noncat band in Carrionplace.
The noncats were made up of like dogs and badgers and some cats, and there was a sheep for some reason.
Everyone asked perms for everything (something I don't really see that often, am I just unlucky?) and the noncats ended up stealing most of the WindClan kits (me included) and taking them to a cave in the gorge.
The WindClan apprentices came to rescue the kits, but I, pretending to be a confused and scared kit, ran the wrong way and blindly fell into the gorge (I don't think they cared; kits were leaving and joining every other minute). I ran away, scared, and 'accidentally' found myself in Carrionplace, where the noncats didnt eat me, like my littermate had heard they wanted to do, but trained me to fight the Clans. I was renamed Runningrust, and our first mission was to steal a chunk of the Moonstone. We succeeded and while I stayed in Carrionplace to protect and inspect the pieces we had gathered, the badger leader took a patrol to fight WindClan.

Unfortunately, the server broke up soon after, but it was one of my favourite roleplays I have played!


EVERYTIME, EVEY SINGLE TIME the leader HAS to choose a mentor for an app nobody wants to be their mentor, but when they are the mentor they don't even go to trainning with them, I once asked a mentor of an app why they didn't train their app and they said "I don't have time for an app, I need a mate" like- bruh, and sometimes leaders forget to give their Deputy a mentor which normally is neccessary for the Deputy.


My main problem with non-cats is that they sit on camp without realizing people will probably not like it, and the fact foxes couldn’t talk to cats. I don’t have a problem if they’re roleplayed correctly. Rogues are the same way, they sit in camp and then cry about you attacking them and chasing them out when they refuse to leave.


This is so relatable on so many levels! I think for the fox one, you shouldn't just be randomly stumbling into a clan. Foxes usually stay outside of the clans, so let yourself encounter a cat outside of a clan instead of barging in.
The medicine cat one always seems to happen, and it's annoying especially if you're running out of herbs.
The deputy one too. Since the leader left, you're stuck going to the Moonstone (if you roleplay like that) and then having to choose a completely new deputy if a cat hasn't stolen your leader role for no reason once you return.


Foxes cannot come in camp, I agree it's annoying for them to just get angry and not let you know what you're doing wrong, but it's true it's unrealistic to be a fox in camp. Much less one that would 'sniff curiously' rather than 'eat deliciously'. And a couple things you didn't cover:

Deputy role: Call multiple patrols and when you are finally done someone asks you to setup patrols

Lead role: No time. Just work. Always apprentice, new main role, etc.

Mentor: Apprentice leaves mid roleplay without saying anything

Warrior: Loners/Rouges go onto the territory and wont leave when you ask them to, but when you fight them they wont allow perms or they're op same with when they wander into camp.


There was a time where I was playing as my main, whos a non-cat Rabbit, with the bio "A helpfull and strong male rabbit whom knows some herbs" For this rp, my home was in rc and I was treading across the territory, bc I'm technically prey. I bump into this app and their mentor and before I say anything, I'm just sitting there, the app says, "Hey, could we ignore the op rabbit?//" "Sure.//" and I try to reason with them and ask why they think I'm op if I haven't said, nor had anything to believe I was "op" They proceeded to ignore me.


0:55 incredibl true. I'll spend half the roleplay doing nothing, but 5 mintues before I head off EVERYONE is in the med den needing med.
