The Crystals of the Celts - The Caves of Roan | EPIC CELTIC FOLK METAL ⚔️ 🎻

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Scottish Gaelic folk metal for the warrior within 💎✨
By the fireside my faither sings a song
As the crannog fills with the sounds and smells of home
The legends of our people live forever more
As deep and blue as the loch we made our own
With the conquest of stone
Beneath the hills
There’s a power growing
Deep within The Caves of Roan
A bell tolls high above the waves
Summoning to the mountain cave
A secret lies set in silver stone
Hidden deep within The Caves of Roan
Càit a bheil am bàr
(This is my destiny)
(My freedom)
Far away from the peace and warmth of the crannog hearth
Through the haar and dreich I voyage on
In search of the stone
Deep into the depths of the land I plunge my sword
The claymore bites as sparks against the stane
Until nothing remains
Bainne agus ìrn bruh
(Built with the strength of iron)
Tha am blas gu math dona
(I fight for my land)
Iasg is sliseagan…
(Alone in the mist)
Sin far a bheil a' phrìs, seadh
(Searching for my meaning, my life)
Ionmhas gun cheann gun chrìoch
(I fight time and time again)
'S miann leam brochan
(To honor my clan)
By the fireside my faither sings a song
As the crannog fills with the sounds and smells of home
The legends of our people live forever more
As deep and blue as the loch we made our own
With the conquest of stone
Beneath the hills
There’s a power growing
Deep within The Caves of Roan
A bell tolls high above the waves
Summoning to the mountain cave
A secret lies set in silver stone
Hidden deep within The Caves of Roan
Càit a bheil am bàr
(This is my destiny)
(My freedom)
Far away from the peace and warmth of the crannog hearth
Through the haar and dreich I voyage on
In search of the stone
Deep into the depths of the land I plunge my sword
The claymore bites as sparks against the stane
Until nothing remains
Bainne agus ìrn bruh
(Built with the strength of iron)
Tha am blas gu math dona
(I fight for my land)
Iasg is sliseagan…
(Alone in the mist)
Sin far a bheil a' phrìs, seadh
(Searching for my meaning, my life)
Ionmhas gun cheann gun chrìoch
(I fight time and time again)
'S miann leam brochan
(To honor my clan)