Feature Overview - Ampeg Portaflex PF-800 800W Bass Head

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The PF-800 delivers the superior performance of Ampeg's Portaflex Series bass heads in an ultra-compact 800-watt design perfect for power-hungry bassists that demand uncompromising tone. The ideal head to drive a pair of Portaflex cabs, the PF-800 has exceptional headroom and can handle its own on stage, offering the flexibility and features needed for venues large and small. Classic hi/lo boosts and 5-position midrange control offer a wide choice of tone and onboard compression delivers tighter, cleaner tone at higher volumes. It attaches right to the flip-top lid of the PF-115HE or PF-210HE cabs and is perfect for the ported PF-410HLF and PF-115LF extension cabs.
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I'm sold, this head is amazing. The versatility is incredible and highly portable. I'm getting one! 


This amp good and make sound big. Small and cute but make good boom boom come out.


this is the very best bass sound i've ever heard smooth yet very strong bass volume very nice Ampeg


I think I have the same problem Mr Warrior had. I bought the PF500 bundle with the 115HE cab. I was playing a Tobias bass with passive electronics. I had it for less than a week and it made a loud pop sound and stopped working. I was playing it with the gain at about 4 and the master volume at about 5. It sounded great and none of the warning lights came on. I've done some research and this seems to be a common issue. I hope my replacement doesn't blow as well. I love this amp.


Ampeg is the best amps forever for me. I absolutely love them. Also big thanks for a great review.


nice demo, luv mine, not so much the sealed cabs...i use it w/ an old b15 shelf ported w/ a jbl d140


I just bought one these heads... I only have a 15" cab so far... and this is a monster of a amp! That threshold light for the compression scared the shit out of me tho. Blinky yellow lights are usually a cautionary sign.... not this time! 🤘🏼


Got myself a PF-500 and PF-115HE as a downsizing exercise and to say that I'm less than impressed with the reliability of the head would be an understatement of biblical proportions!!
The PF-500 developed the "fault light virus" and began cutting out within 3 months of purchase!  I was offered a brand new replacement unit by the UK retailer or an "cost difference" upgrade to the PF-800... I opted for the upgrade.  It sounded immense for 3 weeks until it popped and died... no warning light or anything else for that matter!!  I adore the tone of these things so I'm waiting for a replacement PF-800 right now but it's three strikes and you're out as far as I'm concerned. If the new one goes the same way as the last two 


@Mr.Warrior68, Larry H., ampegtv. i've had my PF-500 for about a year. gain5, comp.4, bass5, mid(minus side), mid2-5, treb5, output7. I've also experienced this but w/different speakers. I'll get different results. 1 is w/a EA vl-110 8ohms.& a EA vl-208 8ohms. Those are my speakers. On ocassion I use them w/a Peavey TX410, that is in bad shape. If I drive the Peavey the problem will happen. I believe if the load is unstable, the amp will become intermittent.


Just pre-ordered the 800 from Musician's Friend and they hooked me up with 15% off. I got this beast for $509.99!!!! Running it through a mid 90's HLF-410. Can't wait to dial in the tone and lay down some grooves.


Why oh why did Ampeg not put the "porta" into the Portaflex 4x10 Cab? I picked up a PA-800 and PF-410, sounds great and of course is loud. Only down side is no "porta" : (


I hope this isn't a dumb question because I just got this along with the pf410hlf cabinet.

The cab says 8 ohms and 800w rms power.

Does this mean I could get the full 800w out of the head and the speaker could handle it?


Hi Dino, i just got the PF-500!!!.
I think that maybe will be a good idea if u can explain us, how to use the correct back of the PF-500 (e.j, POST EQ, OdB -40dB and GND, LIFT), how is the best option performance??, theres a lot of videos showing the front of the Ampeg PF, but nothing explain this practice examples the Back of the PF.

Thanks in advance and regards from Argentina



I’m an ampeg
User but I need more. Thinking about going markbass or Aguilar bit theyre too expensive, can I get an 800 with 2x10
And 1/15 configuration, or do I have to carry
4x10 to an upstairs gig


How well do these heads get along with effects pedals?


I am not keen on the diamond tolex covered PF-410HLF cabinet.  Can I pair the Portaflex PF-800 amplifier (400 watts @ 8 ohms) with an SVT-410HE cabinet (500 watts @ 8 ohms which has speakon connection) without fear of blowing the speakers ?


hey Dino, is this head compatible with the svt-410HLF 4x10 cabinet ?


Why do may Ameg pf800, Ultra hi cuts off everything I hit high note , or slap my string the hold head shut down.


question....is it a bad thing when the "thesh" light flickers or comes on constant when playing heavily?


Portaflex fault light, and fan wont function hence, amppeg head wont work? Barely been used

Any tips?
