Ramon Montagner Push & Pull Techniques - Unbelievable Drummer

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Interview and lesson with "master of faster," Ramon Montagner, the Brazilian drummer who has taken one-handed technique to the next level. Amazing!
Kalani is a Professional Percussionist, Orff-Schulwerk Certified Music Educator and Board-Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC). He presents classes and workshops all over the world for people of all ages.
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Books by Kalani:
Videos by Kalani
Kalani is a Professional Percussionist, Orff-Schulwerk Certified Music Educator and Board-Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC). He presents classes and workshops all over the world for people of all ages.
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Books by Kalani:
Videos by Kalani
Ramon Montagner Push & Pull Techniques - Unbelievable Drummer
Ramon Montagner - Push and Pull & Grips - Coqueiral
Ramon Montagner | Técnica Push Pull
Push and Pull Basics Workshop I Ramon Montagner
Drumbrainstorm of the Day #94 - Push and Pull Medium-Fast Samba
Push and Pull Feelings - Warm up
RAMON MONTAGNER - Push-Pull - Dual Grip - Slide Technique
Ramon Montagner - Drumbrainstorms Online - Push and Pull and Dual Grip
Slide X Push and Pull…
Ramon Montagner Warm Up Push and Pull 5/8
001 Push and Pull
PUSH-PULL Incredibile con Ramon Montagner
Extreme Polyrhythm, Coordination & Speed Techniques | Alex Cohen & Ramon Montagner
Ramon Montagner - Push and Pull Groove#8 5/8
Push and Pull 025
002 Push and Pull
Rhythmic Imagination - Push and Pull, Slide , Dual Grip, Drumcajon and something more...
003 Push And Pull
Dica de Estudo com RAMON MONTAGNER (PUSH PULL) | Braba
Samba Push and Pull Warm Up #1
Ramon Montagner - Push and Pull Groove #7 5/8
Mildly Chaotic #20 - Push and Pull X Slide III Take 1