Texas: The Issue Is - Rep. Dan Crenshaw calls for military strike against cartels

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Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw talks about the situation at the border and how he would handle cartels.
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If there's a demand for illicit drugs, there's always going to be someone to fill the demand! This isnt hard!!!


Crazy guy.
Seems that the war affected him. Badly.


Lunatic. Mexico has lost 300, 000 people fighting cartels. The problem is US drug consumption. Demand creates supply.


Tell u what captin crunch ... u getting in way over your head .


The U.S government is actually using a name of the continent to its citizens and country. We are U.S. citizens. Citizens of the United States. The United States is a country but America its not a country America its a continent of 35 countries. The whole entire continent was already named America 269 years way before the United States of America became a nation or even existed. Everyone on the American continent is an American likewise Asia are Asians, Africa are Africans and Europe are Europeans.🤦....ok I have five questions for you and everyone in here!!! 1: Where or how the United States government get the name America from? 2: What happen first? The United States of America or the American continent? 3: The United States of America is the only country that belongs, found and located on the American continent is it? 4: What government divided the American continent? 5: What government added the North, the Central and the South to the American continent? Huh? 😎
