How to complete Phase 2 | Satisfactory 1.0 Masterclass

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A Satisfactory guide on how to progress & build efficiently, while still making optimal & great looking builds. Today: Getting all the required components for phase 2 going and unlocking everything we need for massive expansion!

Satisfactory is a first-person open-world factory building game with a dash of exploration and combat. Play alone or with friends, explore an alien planet, create multi-story factories, and enter conveyor belt heaven!

Conquer nature by building massive factories across the land. Expand wherever and however you want. The planet is filled with valuable natural resources just waiting to be utilized. As an employee of FICSIT it’s your duty to make sure they come to good use.

Construct your factories with gracious perfection or build intricate webs of conveyor belts to supply all your needs. Automate trucks and trains to reach your faraway outposts and be sure to handle liquids properly by transporting them in pipes. It’s all about minimizing manual labour!

Explore & Exploit
Venture on expeditions to search for new materials and be sure to put everything to good use. Nature is yours to harvest! You have vehicles, jetpacks, jump pads and more at your disposal to make the exploration easier. Equip the proper safety gear as well, just in case you run into the local wildlife.

I am not sponsored in any way.

#Satisfactory #Letsplay #tutorial #guide
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Note for this episode: Don't be fooled by the relatively simple build. This will likely still take you several hours just because of the distance to the coal. It will take you a LOT longer if you don't have the factory from Episode 2 (Phase 1 - Full build) available to leverage. If you did build that, enjoy that hard work paying off now in spades!


9:50 For people who don't know, when you're attaching something like a lift to a machine or floor hole, if you listen carefully when you rotate the end of the lift it will make a little beeping noise when it connects correctly. Once you know what to listen for, if you listen out for it every time you'll know all your lifts are connected.


After playing Satisfactory as a complete n00b, I decided enough was enough and started watching some tutorials. Some gave me a few tips and tricks, but after findings yours I must say you really do put master in masterclass. I have been building along with you now, and everything is easy to follow and very well explained, leaving enough room and creativity to add your own flavor to it. Thank you so much, and please continue these amazing videos! <3 Bedankt voor al je harde werk


3:50 Ok, I was wondering at first, but that layout is kinda genius for getting around belt throughput limits.
9:50 The lifts connect when the inputs are already built, so build the foundries/splitters first and you won't run into any issues.


The lifts can be as tall as you like when they are connected to floor ports.


I'm considering you neat and clean builds a personal attack!


I am so lost, I love this game. Even though I don't know what I'm doing haha. That's why I love it so much. Thanks for this guide!


I’m going to have to try those floor holes… 🕳️ Putting the logistics under the machines looks so much easier!! And elevating belts is always a huge PITA.


Did I miss one step or is this alternative foundry/constructor setup maybe looking good, but still works as a manifold? The steel pipes don't split three was do they? So you could just put all the steel ingots onto one belt and then run it to all three constructors?


Kinda started doing phase 2 on my own and was happy to see I did some similar stuff as you. I made my steel factory in the same place, built my assemblers for phase 2 parts, but kind of just threw some stuff in storage connected to the assemblers since everything was already built (lower floor and lifts tip will definitely come in handy). I was also just ziplining the steel over. I was too lazy to build a conveyor from the steel factory back to my main factory after getting that coal down without using lifts... It looks cool, at least. I think DSP/Factorio has me conditioned to a (mostly) single layer of building and conveyors. I need to learn how to build vertically and take advantage of the lifts.

Your first couple videos helped me feel comfortable enough making some more organized builds on my own, and I'm looking forward to referencing back to this series while I continue to optimize (and actually automate) my builds. It's been helping to start builds on my own with your tips just to understand what's happening, then reference back to your videos to see what I could've been done better. Looking forward to the rest!


Around 12:40 I am confused on how exactly you got your set up to create the Versatile Rods. I think I have figured it out. Yours just seems so much for efficient/organised than what I have created. Do you have any tips? A pleasure as always!


please number the episodes, the playlist is not in order


One question, would it not have been better to do a bit of hard drive hunting and obtain the alt recipe for steel that uses iron ingots? right now is not to hard to get it, as there is not so big of a alt recipes pool, and will generate 50% more steel. later it will be harder to obtain it (more tech unlocked equals bigger alt rec pool) and you will have to rebuild your steel production.


Wow! This build looks amazing! The items from the shop really add a lot. Do you recall the dimensions of the logistics or production floor(s) (it is hard to count the asphalt tiles)?


TDA, do you stream your play throughs?


Hey I was watching your videos from a different part of the map and didn't realize just how high up the production floor needed to be as compared to the ground(been watching part by part to avoid progression spoilers lol) half my factory will probably be fine for the underground logistics. However, the other portion of the factory is just too close to the ground is there anything I can do to counter this or would I just kinda have to raise my entire factory and rebuild?


@6:46 - "Looking pretty awesome"... as the lift misses ;)


It is more power efficient to spread your underclock across each machine.


Hi Dutch. I REALLY like your base (asphalt) and factory designs. I hope one day to emulate them they look so good. I have watched several other streams and I really like your style and presentation (especially the Logistics Level). I'm a Satisfactory newbie with (Steam says) 60 hours playing. 75% of that time is collecting nuts and berries in the Grassland starter area. I have some steel and am making Smart Plating for Phase 2 of the Space Elevator. I am learning a lot especially starting to explore (a little). I have no idea what the map has but I feel like making my Main Base in the center of the Map (it might be called the Northern Forest) because I feel that would make moving stuff from the fringes logical. Anyone have thoughts on this? (BTW, I have the Blade Runners, Parachute, Rebar Gun, and other easy starter items. I have coal but don't have a Coal Power Plant -- too advanced for me at this time.)


how will the splitter split of 15 ingots? surely it will split the 45 in 2? (5:26)
