TV7 Israel – Deep Dive Featuring Hudson Institute – Israel At War Update – August 5th, 2024

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Thank you for this most interesting, most informative, most insightful discussion! Great panelists with their different perspectives ❤

G-d bless Israel! G-d bless Netanyahu with courage, discernment and wisdom. G-d bless the IDF.


Thanks Jonathan and guests.Praying for you, Israel, IDF, government, Prime Minister and hostages.Praying for the people of Israel in this difficult time.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


GOD protect lsrael from all the enemies


Dear Jonathan God bless you, your guests and God bless Israel forever and ever


Praying for you ALL during this chaotic time. But urging you to keep your head up..."your redemption draweth near!" (Luke 21:28) ❤🤗❤️🙏❤️🇮🇱❤️


Great Show Dear Brother Jonathan! Am going to watch it again! Am Israel Chai! 🙏🏼❤️🇮🇱❤️🙏🏼


I love Israel! I love Netanyahu! God bless Israel, God bless Netanyahu ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Shalom Israel 🇮🇱 & Praise Yeshua HaMasiach & John Ch 7:24 The Brit Hadesh Teaches We Must Remember Judgements Must Come for defunding & We Must Be Careful to Not Forget What Still Must Happen & God Bless Israel & Everyone Who Loves Jesus Christ Who Wants to Save ❤


Immanuel in the name Yeshua ha Mashiakh Adonenu tsivaot!


1. Uzi is right. "A time for every purpose.." 2. Right again, Ezra, the time to become armament self-sufficient came a long time ago. Now we get it. Better late than never, and now is always good time to start. 3. Every single, non-Jewish, pro-Israel friend I have adore and respect him.


His reception at the joint session demonstrated The majority perception of the US population. WE APPLAUD HIS RESOLVE to defend his people. May he be guided by The God of Abraham, Issiac, and Jacob and DO so regardless of what ANY one says or threatens. (Remember Hezekiah & Sennacharib)


God has Prime Minister Netanyahu ruling Yisrael for SUCH A TIME AS THIS


Very nice topic and discussion for now happening, God bless you Israel, praying to exit the problem you face, and your have peace and freedom comes to all🙏🙏🙏🙏


Israel is protected by the hand & Armor of GOD.
Psalms 121:3-8.
He will not allow your foot to slip;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
BEHOLD he who keeps ISRAEL will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is your keeper;
The LORD is your shade on your right hand.
The sun will not smite you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The LORD will protect you from all evil;
He will keep your soul.
The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.


Israel has a culture that celebrates disagreement and Lionizes Unity ! There is a very clear sense of an underlying bond throughout it’s population.
Israel is a laboratory for democracy surrounded by extremism and that makes Israel’s value for the world.
Unity and Faith make up for Israel’s Strength . Israel knows that if their common bond is shattered their country will cease to exist.
Israel is all about resilience, love, faith, trust, standing together, unity and pure strength. Israel is one big family with a highly developed sense of national solidarity.
Israel is a Youth society and that is why there is so much vitality in Israel
That’s why Israell will always succeed !
Israel’s cultural operating system is based on repeated exposure to over-increasing challenges, both before and during military service. This life trajectory produces people who become addicted to doing things that are difficult, important and meaningful.
The attraction to something deemed impossible is typically Israeli. Solving problemens is a national sport !
Israel has the ability to brush off and even appreciate failure as a way to grow
In Israel contribution to the public good is still an ever present major demand. Israelis are expected to take the national interest into consideration not just to cater to their private careers and kin . They are supposed to make personal sacrifices for society, to volunteer for various tasks, to fight and to die if necessary for their Country.
We stand unreservedly and unequivocally with Israel. 💙💪🇮🇱.


I love You and Israel so much Dear Jonathan.🙏


Peace be with you ❤️
*Psalm 111; 103; 98:9*
*Ezekiel 11:5-12*

May the Mercy of GOD the Father of Peace and the Grace and Love of our SAVIOR YESHUA be upon everyone! Amen ❤️


Great chapter. We can allways Trust G-d, his timing is perfection plus. Everything at the right timen. These are the Messianic times, right now. Amen 💙📖🤍🙏🏻🇮🇱


Netanyahu is the best PM ever!! He knows what he wants! Please don't judge him wrong!


According to scripture, Iran will only push their proxies at this time, probably on the 9th of Av, Tuesday the 13th.
The hook in its jaw is the Ezekiel38 war, which is the Zechariah14 event described in Isaiah63.
Have no fear, Hashem IS near!
Baruch Hashem!
Am Yisrael chai,
Baruch haba b'shem Adonai!
Be well and be Blessed!
A fellow sojourner
