World News Update 1/29/20.

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"For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11

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ABC's of Salvation....

Admit you are a sinner in need of a savior.

Believe in the finished redemtive work of Jesus Christ on the cross alone for the remission of all your sins (past, present and future) and eternal life!

Call on the name of the Lord. ("All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13)

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." (John 14:6)

"When you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. For with the heart man believes and is justified and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." ( Romans 10:9-10)

"For it is by grace you are saved through faith. It is not your own doing. It is the FREE gift of God. Not by works lest any man boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)

To Reach Pastor Tim by Mail: 1425 Jonathan Creek Road, Sullivan, IL 61951

Рекомендации по теме

thank you brother for the encouragement, there are people who live grace alone, without attending a church, blessings from Italy


I am right down the street from where the plain landed. Please pray for my family


I love in So Cal 15 minutes from MAFB I am praying for the folks brought there. I just want to go home....I am weary and tired.


We all need Jesus Christ all of us call upon Jesus . We all need Jesus Christ Now . Things are going to get extremely difficult after the peace plan . Pray pray pray


Come Lord Jesus, for your bride is not only excited for your arrival, but she is tired and weary. This world is on the brink of collapse, the veil has been lifted and the veil has closed over the eyes of those who deny you. The sheep announce themselves almost unwillingly, separating from the goats. All of this is your doing, and we see the end times approaching in the birth pains. There is no fear & should be no fear. For the times coming upon us now were not a time we are appointed to, they are a time of Jacob's trouble, a time for Israel.

But it is also a second chance, if you did not trust Jesus before, the tribulation is your second chance. Take it. Remember family, Jesus came to fulfill the law. Deu 24:5  "When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken." If the rapture were post-trib, he would be in violation to this command. Likewise if we could lose salvation, he would of failed on the cross. Buckle up. I'll see you here or on my channel.

God bless.


Thank you doodle do, for everything you do, praise the Lord !


Just wanted to thank you for setting an example in being consistent with the Lord. It’s been gloomy and foggy here all week and I just wanna see the sun and THEE son.


Can I get some love or words of wisdom family? The hate of the world is making my soul tired, I yearn for the return of our father so much❤️🙏🏻


Jesus is truly beautiful intimately, isn't He? He truly is my favorite being. He provided me safety and security in Heaven, and hallelujah I can be forever be with Him, when I get to see Him. It's very soon, a short while, when we get to see our lord, our God, and our Savior, who is in Heaven, whose name is Jesus, I Am that I Am!


Pastor Tim I look forward to listening to your words very day. Crazy times we are living in these days. I’m looking and waiting for for our Heavenly Father to come get us that believe!! I pray our Father comes soon. It’s a wicked world we’re living in. May our Heavenly Father bless and protect your family and you. I would like to hear you preach in person, but your along ways from Texas. I have a good friend in Michigan that I’d like to go see this summer, if we’re still here by then. If we’re not still here I’ll find you in Heaven. May our Heavenly Father guide and protect us. Have a blessed day.


I had the most wonderful vision so I thought that I should share it. Last night I went to bed asking the Lord to protect my two-year-old son. I was about to wake up when I had this wonderful vision (one which scared me at the time but which I later understood).
In the dream, I realize that we have lions in our basement. Confused I go to talk to my wife, telling her that those lions are a danger for our son. I don't really go to look at the animals because I am a bit scared. Suddenly, I hear my son and I cannot tell whether he is fine so I quickly run in his direction. I finally find him playing happily in his room. About 5 meters away from him is the mighty male lion ( with some other lionesses behind him).
The male lion was so awe-inspiring, his mane was shining, his legs and body were so muscular, his whole body was glowing. I froze, at the time I was so scared that I could not move. I tried calling my wife and my dream ended.
In my prayers today, I reviewed the scene and now realize that the lion was watching over my son. My son certainly did not seem afraid of the lion.


I've heard several places, incubation period 2-14 days.


I need your prayers, heavy personal attack as I share the Gospel of Grace through social media.


Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega:Keep faith.


Pastor Tim - 2 mystic rabbis in Israel said Monday that this peace deal will never come to fruition because Jeshua will come first!


5-7 days to hold them that’s crazy it takes 14 days to see the symptoms this is just not GOOD


I’m going to share a dream I had few days ago seen Jesus setting on a throne he was wearing red & white he had a crown on throne was golden with light all I heard was I’m coming soon an seen a clock at the bottom of the picture I seen was amazing idk what it Symbolizes but he’s real an he’s coming hope it helps somebody today god bless u brothers & sisters in Christ see y’all in the ☁️


Earthquakes have been about the same for the past few years. Just giving you the statistical facts put out.


Thank you Pastor Tim n Ur little helpers can you said like you stop and they wake up me and my kids I used to rock them or take them for a ride and soon as I stopped they woke up LOL I decided to share this from God their blessing from God they are hallelujah. Ur right which they focus on Jesus and you know what Jesus is the real he is only incompleteness of all things for life and he's coming soon rapture anytime 2020 I'm excited and being in the word and I've been really I've been praying Psalms 91 because perilous pestilence I've been praying over in praying for those people and I'm just coming against us as the Lord's when I heard him when he's booked me this is 2008 it's my parents passed and I'm going to keep on repeating it because I believe yes Jesus is The Great I Am author healer restore finisher The Great I Am Hallelujah amen love you all my family brothers and sisters in Christ. Hope everyone has a wonderfully blessed great evening! Shalom God bless too everyone ♡


Though troubles assail,

And dangers affright;

Though friends should all fail,

And foes all unite,

Yet one thing secures us,

Whatever betide:

The Scripture assures us,

“The Lord will provide.”


The birds, without barn

Or storehouse, are fed;

From them let us learn

To trust for our bread;

His saints what is fitting

Shall ne’er be denied,

So long as ’tis written,

“The Lord will provide.”


His call we obey,

Like Abram of old,

Not knowing our way,

But faith makes us bold;

For though we are strangers,

We have a good Guide;

And trust in all dangers

“The Lord will provide.


No strength of our own,

Or goodness we claim;

Yet, since we have known

The Saviour’s great Name

In this our strong tower

On Jesus’ dear name.

In this our strong tower

For safety we hide,

Almighty His power:

“The Lord will provide.”
