Is Mass Illegal Immigration Fair? | 5 Minute Videos

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Critical Theory is key to understanding how the left thinks. They’ve applied it to race, colonialism, and feminism. James Lindsay reveals how they’re going to use it next. Get ready.

I’m going to tell you what “the next big thing” is going to be.

I’m going to tell you because I want you to be prepared for it.

I know what it is, not because I have the power to look into the future, but because I know how the left thinks. And if you know how the left thinks, it’s obvious.

Are you ready?

Critical Immigration Theory.

No, not Critical Race Theory, CRT. Critical Immigration Theory, C-I-T.

Let me explain.

After George Floyd died in May 2020, the left unleashed Critical Race Theory upon America. It had been floating around academic circles for decades, but the Floyd incident—thanks to the left-leaning media—brought it into the mainstream.

The idea behind Critical Race Theory was that virtually every aspect of American life is now, and always has been, determined by systemic racism. The true founding of America was in 1619 when the first slaves arrived, slave labor built the country, America got rich by exploiting black people, and so on.

The view on the left is you either accept this theory, or you’re a racist.

Critical Colonial Theory sees the world as a product of colonial exploitation. Europeans got rich by taking advantage of weaker countries in Africa, Asia, and South America.

You either accept this theory or, again, you’re a racist.

Critical Feminist Theory sees the world as the product of the exploitation of women.

You either accept this theory, or you’re a sexist.

Getting the hang of it?

Critical Theory applied to mass illegal immigration will follow the same formula. It will start from a human rights perspective—having compassion for the poor and oppressed people of the world.

But that’s not what it’s really about. It’s really about targeting national citizenship and national sovereignty using mass illegal immigration as a wedge.

We’re already hearing some of the language. The New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, NPR, ABC, CBS, NBC have, over the last few years, migrated from “illegal aliens” to “illegal immigrants” to “undocumented migrants” to just “migrants.”

They won’t stop there.

“Undocumented Americans” comes next. And after that, as with “migrants,” no adjective at all.

In other words, people who enter the United States illegally are just as American as any American citizen.

By this way of thinking, national citizenship is merely a social construct (everything is a social construct to the left) that keeps migrants from accessing what is rightfully theirs—all the rights and privileges of an American citizen.

Why is it “rightfully theirs”?

First, because you as an American wouldn’t have all this wealth if you hadn’t exploited these poor people for the last hundred years. So, you owe them.

Second, it’s heartless to turn away people from other countries who are fleeing poverty, drug lords, and corrupt governments. After all, America is largely responsible for these countries being in such bad shape. They’d be doing just fine if we hadn’t screwed them up.

Traditional laws of national citizenship and traditional beliefs in national borders do not recognize these obvious “truths.” They are, therefore, regressive and unjust and must be done away with.

Do you think I’m exaggerating?

It’s already happening.
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If you can't control your border, you don't have a country.
If you let anyone and everyone into your country, you will lose your country.
Please spread the words.
BTW, I am an immigrant who entered the country legally, applied for residence through the company which hired me, waited for 5 years before I took my citizenship exam, sworn in 20 years ago and proud to be an American, don't want it to be turned into a banana republic.


My father emigrated from Iran. I'll never forget the day he earned his citizenship. He carried the little American Flag in his pocket all week and cried tears of joy. He told me horror stories of the Islamic Republic and what he endured. The neo-leftists express their ideology from a position of ignorance and are too politically captured to persuade. They have no idea what they are asking for with wholesale illegal immigration.


Stop worrying about people calling us names, and support others they call names. If we stopped playing their game, we win every time.


I am a US citizen born and raised in the US. I work in the Americas and live in a South American country where I am permanently a citizen. I am not a national citizen. I can not apply for social benefits.

This new imagination to the USA is a slap in the face to all Americans who were vetted legally.


I guarantee those that support this lock their doors and gates. Total hypocrites.


As a Singaporean, at the other end of the free world, I'm praying for Trump/Vance 2024 to put a stop to this borderless nonsense, for my own household sake


Replacement is not a theory in western Europe


It's insane that people are just figuring this out now. Where were all of you 30 years ago?


A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Critical Immigration Theory


Im a Filipino Canada, and it is insulting for me that progressives to equate legal immigration with illegal immigration. Immigration to the US is a privilegw not a right


Not even the greatest dystopian scifi writers could've predicted this woke matriarchy, where feelings and emotionalism overrule logic and rationalism


I know of no one that is against LEGAL immigration and vetting of those immigrants. The unchecked illegal immigration we have had for decades has been a huge drain on what the USA is supposed to be. Its also a slap in the face to those who came here legally and went through the process to become a citizen.


I dare say YouTube will shadow-ban this video.


Irregular migration they are now calling it here in the uk


I'm down for Critical Patriot Theory.


I wish I had taken my Spanish lessons more seriously. I would love to be able to get some of my tax money back from the government by pretending to be an illegal.


I can guarantee that this is gonna be even more common in Europe


If anyone can move anywhere then there was nothing wrong with colonialism after all!!! Why do they always get made about settlements and colonialism? They dont want borders, correct? These people are nuts.


To them, I'm a racist. Regardless, I'm a proud citizen and will defend it.


Almost every democrat voted against the bill that allows only US citizens to vote. That fact alone tells you everything you need to know.
