Christian reacts to Buddhism (Is Buddhism True?)

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#Buddha #Buddhism #christianity

Today as a Orthodox Christian, I react to theravada buddhism.
theravada buddhism is allegedly the closest to the original Teaching of the Buddha. Does Buddhism imply Idolatry? Why the golden Buddha statues?

God bless!

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The level of misunderstanding this man has. I have nothing but sympathy for him.


Hi Bobby!
Thank you for willingly learning Buddhism although this video only covers the introduction and there was no explanation whatsoever on Buddhism so I want to clear up misunderstandings about Buddhism.
I'm sure you have many experiences with Buddhism too as you've mentioned, you went to a monastery and spent time with the monks but maybe you haven't delved deep into the teachings.

Buddhism, like every other religion, is a very complex and philosophical belief.
Especially from an Abrahamic religion point of view, it's really hard to grasp since Buddhism doesn't tackle the usual "where do we come from?" question.

1. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion, meaning in Buddhism there is no God.
Hence, no God = no devil or satan or master of all evil things. No superior beings.
No one is superior inherently to the other. What can be superior is the mind since we create our reality with our own minds; not to say that you can create an elephant in front of you with the power of manifesting in your head but it's about reactions since we always react, we are fed by stimulations so this stimulations can be pleasant or unpleasant. Someone punch you in the face, you can punch them back or just be calm and evade another punch and be more compassionate.

2. The Buddha himself (aka Sidharta Gautama) is not a superior being but simply a human who had reached mental enlightenment. "Taking refuge in Buddha" simply means accepting him as a person who had been enlightened and taking his teachings as a guide. Buddha also reminds his pupils to only see his teachings as a guide and not a medium. He also reminds them to not believe everything even from himself but they have to prove and experience things themselves.

3. Buddha statues aren't meant to be worshipped. It is a symbol, just like a cross symbolizes Christ. It symbolizes Buddhism, ofc. You can burn it, you can stomp on it, but there is no one to be worshipped inside the statue.

4. Meditation is proven to make people kinder and more compassionate and more mindful about their actions. Not about reaching Nirvana (enlightenment) because you don't simply reach enlightenment because you follow all the Buddhism rules, it's not that simple. And Nirvana (enlightenment) doesn't mean your head will shine wherever you go and you'll have superpowers, the Buddha after reaching enlightenment still experienced back ache after meditation lol, and died at the age of 80s like a normal elder.
Enlightenment is a state and not a realm like heaven. You can be enlightened for 1 second. Plus, you won't be able to tell if someone is enlightened or not by looking at them XD

So yeah, I don't think it's fair for you to denounce other belief like that when you don't provide an explanation on why you think it's false. Especially when you keep seeing it from the Abrahamic religion's perspective, of course it doesn't make sense!


As a muslim, i pray that Allah blesses you for being so understanding and having such a good heart and mind without arrogance


I have many buddhist friends, i love them all by my heart.
Also Lord buddha have told that he is not the first buddha neither he is the last buddha. Also he has told that another one will come and he will guide you ( He was clearly mentioning Prophet muhammad (PBUH)). Also he mentions several qualities of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

I am happy that you are finding all the religions. You will get all the knowledge by your findings. I like all your videos.
May allah guide you onto all truths and as its you are seeking the truth and the truth shall free you.

In shaa allah you will have great place in jannah.


I am Thai, I was born in this country. These people worship the beards, the stones, the trees, and the animals. and believe everything that makes him better
The Buddha did not order to create a spinning image.


I don't like paganism, worshiping more than one god is foolishness eg like in Hinduism there are many gods of different creatures whom they worship makes no sense 🙏✌️


I never considered any religion to be religion when they have idols...if not islam i would have chosen judaism but wouldnt be christian coz they have idols of my brother jesus and our mother mary in their churches


Happy to hear that the light of islam courrepts your heart. Loves from Türkiye ı hope you some day come and visit aga sofia ☺


You said it beautifully, one can only seek refuge and guard! Thank you for your thoughts!


Correct Buddhism exists in Sri Lanka, under a correct teacher association using the Tripitaka. (Study especially Abhidharma)


Budda never claimed to be God. Some people say he even didn't believe in Almighty GOD! It is the people who follow him made him God and pray to him. So, intellectually and spiritually, Buddhism does not befit to be a religion even. It is a way of life made and polished by man (Budda) and his certain followers, not God. Eventually, this cult is ought to die/perish. Thus, spending time looking at this so-called religion or way of life is a waste of time!


I'm going to comment from a position of ignorance and I'll happily be corrected if I have this wrong but I'm sure I have previously read that the Buddha stated that he was not to be worshipped so therefore the worshipping of him by Buddhists goes against what he taught.
Again, I post from a position of ignorance and will withdraw if I'm incorrect.
Alhamdulillah Bobby, another great video.
insha'Allah many more to come.
Allahumma Barik


warning to my Muslim brothers and sisters, DO NOT insult or offend the “gods” or religious figures of other peoples religions and faiths because this is HARAM (forbidden) for us, as commanded by Allah in the Noble Quran ~ chapter 6 • verse 108: And do not insult those they invoke other than Allāh, lest they insult Allāh in enmity without knowledge. Thus We have made pleasing to every community their deeds. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them about what they used to do!


Please react to "The curse of Polytheism"

Channel - The Muslim Skeptic


Interesting viewpoint! I'm a Buddhist and like to study other religions. Although our views of lives are different it's still very entertaining to watch other with open mind. Hmm I think it's hard to understand Buddhism if you look at it from another religion that have a god or deity? Instead of worship the Buddha the word like 'respect' probably fit better. Buddhists give flowers, offering and many things to their teachers. Buddha is like a teacher to us, that means it's ok to have different viewpoint from the buddha if you think what he teaches is not true. He's a human after all ^^ and while in Buddhism we have existences of other realm (gods, angels, devils) they are just form of existences like us. We respect them because we believe to be incarnate as angels you need to do so much good karma. And good people should be respected, not because they are born as angels or something like that... While many seek refuge under buddha teaching, the goal of Buddhism is not going to heaven or reborn as a rich person in your next life. It's just to simply get rid of sufferings that you feel, you can attain nirvana even without being a Buddhist ^^ but still, it's hard to achieve that kind of enlightenment in one life so most people just hope for better life next reincarnation haha


Keep exploring different religions with Islam because I want to learn other religions with you Bobby. You are not alone on this journey. Great video as always keep it up.


Buddha does not tell people to worship him, the statues were not built to worship him. The meditation was not to worship him.
He is simply a spiritual teacher who found his way out of all suffering, and wanted to help others escape all suffering too.


You are a smart man Bobby. Worship only God alone, not statues or idols.


⚠️ive done some reasearch I believe that Budha could be prophet ( za al Kefel)..u need to remember that in each and every nation God sent prophets from their own people .ND their own language! and that's written in Quraan..

Budha never claimed that he is a God...
And simple who Jesus Christ was turned into God and trinity in less than 300 years!!so imagine what they did to Budha ..or Kishna and all others they all got misinterpreted all over the yrars


Brilliantly brought into reality! I learnt something today about yoga I didn’t know anything about the background of yoga I knew it was something to do with Buddhism but not a form of worship!! I was thinking of trying it out but not now! Thank you Bobby u have helped to stop me from committing a serious sin. Man can never really thank someone truly unless they do dua (pray) for them to Allah sbw & ask him to shower his Infinite blessings on the brother who stopped me from committing a sin. May he bless you with the gift of imaan (faith) in Allah sbw as the one and only god and the belief in the final prophet foretold in all the Abrahamic religions scriptures for those ‘enlightened’ ;-) by Allah sbw enough to see. Ameen summa ameen 🤲🏽 these religions like Buddhism have a lot of good points but that’s all they have good points in certain facets of life but no real depth to anything, even the meditation seems like a fad part of the religion depending on if it’s ‘cool’ to meditate, just very shallow & ultimately pointless idolatry, even though there own holy scripture states they should not worship idols!? Good stuff though brother and thank you again for the information about yoga. May Allah sbw guide us all. Ameen