JAVASCRIPT: Operators:Arithmetic, Logical, Relational, Assignment, Type Operators; PopUp Boxes

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#JavaScriptOperators are the special symbol used to perform operations on operands. Operands are the values and variables on which operations are performed.
For example, 1+2. Here + is an operator that performs addition, and 1 and 2 are operands.
In this video, you will learn about different operators available in #JavaScript and how to use them with the help of examples.
Types of Operators in JavaScript:
1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Assignment Operators
3. String Operators
4. Comparison/Relational Operators
5. Logical Operators
6. typeof Operators
7. Conditional Operators

How to convert string into integer in JavaScript?
In JavaScript parseInt() function is used to convert the string to an integer. This function returns an integer of base which is specified in the second argument of parseInt() function.
parseInt() function returns Nan( not a number) when the string doesn’t contain a number.

Types of PopUp Boxes in JavaScript:
Javascript has three kinds of popup boxes: Alert box, Prompt box, and Confirm box .

Check out some more latest videos:

0:48 Types of operators in JavaScript
1:02 Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript
4:16 Assignment Operators in JavaScript
7:14 String Operators in JavaScript
8:15 Comparison/Relational Operators in JavaScript
12:45 Logical Operators in JavaScript
14:23 typeof Operator in JavaScript
16:36 Division Operator in JavaScript
18:44 Prompt PopUp Box in JavaScript
20:14 How to convert string into integer in JavaScript?
23:05 Confirm Popup Box in JavaScript

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