When did a joke go way too far?

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"Chill bro its just a joke"
The joke in question


I feel bad for them both, the funny guy was clearly worried for the other guys health since he was terrified before told he would be punished, only when someone was hurt


I had a friend in high school get hit in the back of the head with a basketball. We were leaving the P.E. room and some idiot decided to throw the ball into the group of people leaving. I had to walk her down to the nurse because she had lost her sight. It scared the crap out of me because she said my name and started crying that she couldn't see. After she was taken to the hospital, her vision came back, but it took a few hours.


"we had a kid in our class" let that sink in


At least he tried helping him up.. He knew that backfired terribly.


“Why is it dark in here? Turn the lights back on.” That gave me chills…


One of my teachers always had a very strict rule that NO ONE was to pull out a chair from someone, or lean back on the back legs of a chair. This was because she had witnessed a chair slip, and a student of her's hit their head against a corner in a fatal area. The student had died on the spot. Can't ever imagine what she had felt in that moment, and I will never lean back in a chair, or pull one from another person.


The fact that Luke actually seemed like a good kid but ended up in a terrible situation, it’s quite sad tbh, hope both kids mentioned are okay now, especially the ones who lost his eyesight


I feel bad for both his friend and Luke. His friend lost his vision, it would've been so sad to find out you just lost your vision, and Luke only wanted to make a joke, and he was probably terrified after what happened. Poor them.


Here is the best advice you will ever hear in your life. It’s only a joke. If the other person lets it be a joke you are really just disrespecting somebody for fun and hoping you can get away with it. Never forget that.


Oh god, i feel bad for everyone in the situation, Luke, the now blind kid, the traumatised class. I'm so sorry that happened to anyone.


I hope the kid who lost his vision is doing okay and recovering, ❤ I could never imagine how horrible it would be to find out you have gone blind as a kid 🙁


I had spinal surgery to correct my Scoliosis, and my recovery took around 6 months. Early on in my recovery, I went back to middle school, where I had accommodations, and had to be extra careful. This girl I had just became friends with knew this. Our friendship was brand new, so why she thought it would be appropriate to pull my chair out from under me in our choir class was beyond me. I fell right on my tailbone, making me freeze up and cry. Thankfully, I didn't fall straight onto my back, but it definitely hurt. She didn't apologize, and the choir teacher already disliked me, so nothing was done about it. I promptly never talked to that girl again.


Makes me very grateful for still having vision and not being paralysed or something, cause Ive been hit the back of the head really hard with a lot of stuff.


New fear: hit my head exactlky like this kid and lose my vision


When I was in middle school, my math teacher said she had a student once that dropped her pencil, so she bent down to pick it up, when she got back up again, she hit the back of her head on the corner of the window and died right on spot


When a bunch of stupid people don't say anything when someone is going to get hurt.


i temporarily lost vision in one of my eyes and it is bloody terrifying. i got hit really hard during a PE lesson and had blunt force trauma and haemhorrages in my eye, for a few hours everything was grey in that eye. i wish my best on that guy because anything regarding vision loss is terrifying


When I was in grade school, we had a rainy day and had to wait in the gym before classes started. One of my friends threw his backpack at me and knocked me straight back into the corner of these metal balance bars we had. I had blood pouring out of the open wound in my head and they had to rush me to the office to clean me up. I’ve suffered from chronic migraines ever since and have a sort of dent there.


Something like this happened in our class in sixth grade. I'm still traumatised.
Our divisions are shuffled each year, but somehow, all the bad boys ended up with the smartest girls. I'm not being sexist, it was true. The boys used to beat each other up, lose control, etc. The girls were perfectly normal and were the smartest in seventh grade (I was in that class). The boys, however, had ADHD, anger issues and were extremely violent and abusive. Many boys from our class were sent to the ICU for treatment, but things had gone too far one day. A guy had once had a fight with another boy. The boy, despite being smaller, was "smarter" than the big guy. He got blows to the stomach, and was quite bruised up, when he fell near a window. Taking the chance, he pushed the big dude out the window and we watched, horror-struck, as he tumbled down roof-to-roof. The smaller guy then laughed and was clapped on the back by his friend in appreciation, as all of us girls were screaming.
