10 Unconventional Tips To Stop Drinking Alcohol

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#sober #stopdrinking #alcoholfree📚

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00:00 - Intro
01:16 - Reframe the way you view alcohol
03:35 - Don't call yourself an alcoholic
05:37 - Don't use willpower
06:06 - Don't try moderating
09:52 - Don't drink alcohol-free drinks
12:31 - Commit! Go all in!
13:41 - Get some skin in the game
15:36 - Hire a coach
17:56 - Aim to get 1% better every day
19:29 - Just start!

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Which of these tips was you favourite? Let me know here!


3 months no alcohol, going through a breakup but still going for it.


The only thing that made me stop was age I literally had enough of booze at 47 I didn’t want anymore blackouts from binge drinking I was drinking worse then I did when I was 27, I decided I wanted to grow as a person and totally change every aspect of myself as a person without booze and first off was my social life abs how I depended on alcohol to control my social anxiety.. it’s not easy but once you realise what alcohol is abs how it effects every aspect of your life you have to decide do you value your life and who you are as a human being, are you worth saving or is your self loathing so bad that you’ll keep drinking ?


Thank you for sharing. I’m day one into sobriety. It’s been a really rough day, but I’m looking forward to day two.


Good information! Going on 15 months sober 😊


Spot on with the AA meetings. I always hated the “powerless” qoute too.
You Said “building a life you wont escape from” is just spot on Scott !


I reframed my view of beer by calling it Loserade. I see alcohol now as a Stupifier and the evidence is all around, just listerning to conversations getting sillier and sillier as the evening goes on is pathetic and I used to be right in the middle of it. Now I am able to enjoy social occaisions for the genuine contacts but can just say goodnight and leave when it starts getting silly.


Slowly watching all your videos. I love your view on alcohol without the AA approach. Listening to you regularly makes it feel like I've got someone on my side that really understands my issue. My parents, my wife, coworkers, don't see my drinking as a problem.


Staying sober at a party, around 11 or 12, when they are all hammered. Oh my gosh, I did that. I couldnt believe the stupid things that they thought was funny. I remember thinking to myself, "My God, they are spiritually leaving their bodies".


Honestly I started taking naltrexone to help with the cravings. It really does help. “Will power” alone wasn’t strong enough for me. I’m starting therapy as well to help with my past traumas, as I found I drank to numb the pain, also out of sheer boredom.


Changing the way I look at alcohol is my favorite tip. Once that happened for me I saw the light it was game on. I felt like such a fool for buying into the conditioning. When I see alcohol adds now I see them for what they are and inside I chuckle.


I told my best friend that I wanted to quit drinking and he should consider it too.
He told me that he doesn't have a drinking problem. That anyone who has to quit has a problem.


So glad l found your videos, so helpful, thank you, l am on day 3 no booze, body is adjusting big time!


i watched you video before today is my 3 rd day not drinking beer after work after 30 years . i listen to your video because i think alcohol hurt my self so i quit cold turkey


I just recently hit two years sober and never went to AA or rehab or even asked for help it was all will power and spite to prove I could do it alone and show I wasnt a alcoholic fuckup


You’re looking awesome! I need to give it up. I stopped for a year and went back. I’m trying and thank you for the videos.


Sick and tired of being sick and tired


I’ve early liver cirrhosis and have been told I’ve got between 2 to 5 years to reverse it, or succumb to an early death. I’m 47. I don’t want to die and leave my three sons without me. Alcoholism is prevalent throughout both sides of my family. I really want to find the strength to do this, but now we’re in lockdown in NZ, I’m finding my resolve hard to keep. Is the idea of replacing alcohol and the habits that go with it worth exploring for someone like me? For example a nice dinner (I rarely eat dinner) a low sugar soft drink and any other recommended substitutes that might seem more inviting than drinking?


I did start 20 days ago !! Love this video, I wrote every steps down in my agenda :) THANK YOU LEON


Back when I was drinking I had already gave myself up to God. God, I think I’m out of whiskey. 🤪 Honestly, the alcoholic meeting thing is replacing one form of conditioning for another, what it lacks is understanding. Like you can’t do crime when you are in jail. Yeah, nah. I figured out the problem was everything has a cost, it comes down to what you are willing to pay.