LCD 1602a module

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The 1602a LCD screen module is widespread and often used in embedded systems due to its availability, low cost, and ease of programming. The name 1602 means that the LCD screen has 16 columns and 2 rows, so it is possible to display a total of 32 characters. Each character is displayed over a grid of 8 * 5 pixels.
The contrast of the screen is adjusted using a potentiometer whose middle terminal is connected to pin 3 - VE.
This video clip contains 2 sketches (programs) in which the display of text on the LCD and the display of text entered from the keyboard (serial input) are processed.

0:00 LCD module 1602a
0:47 Project description with LCD module
1:00 Electrical schematic
1:25 Program - sketch (Hello world)
2:06 Electric circuit
2:38 Bonus program - sketch (Display of string entered via serial monitor)
3:23 Electric circuit for the bonus program

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