Insights into Manufacturing, Maintaining, and Deploying Drone Light Shows - Verge Aero

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// Speaker
Tony Samaritano, Verge Aero

In this session, we will outline the various lessons learned, best practices, and challenges involved with manufacturing, maintaining, and deploying large scale fleets of quadrotors specifically designed for drone light shows. As operators of large fleets of drones, our main objective is to guarantee the safety of the general public, as well as our fleet operators, while providing high entertainment value. The PX4 community, in addition to the broader commercial drone industry, can learn from the many complexities involved in working with large homogenous fleets of small aircrafts. We hope to present the challenges and opportunities we have identified, to share how we have overcome many of these challenges, and to discuss the paths the PX4 community and industry can take to collaborate for solutions.

As presented during the PX4 Developer Summit 2022 in Austin, Texas.
Рекомендации по теме

I wonder if the drone light show drones will have to use remote id.


I wonder what kind of base station setup would you need, to sinulatenously connect to 100+ drones. Would you need a rover rtk base for this ?