Build Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster
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This video shows how to create a reactive microservices architecture using Spring Boot, Spring WebFlux, and JHipster.
Table of Contents:
00:00 - Intro to Reactive Java Microservices
01:55 - Java with Spring MVC vs WebFlux
02:49 - Build a Reactive Java Microservices Architecture
03:19 - Install JHipster 7
06:33 - Run Your Reactive Java Microservices
07:20 - JHipster Oh-My-Zsh Plugin
08:32 - JHipster Microservices Demo
09:39 - Prepare Your Reactive Java Stack for Production
09:57 - Why Not Stateless with OAuth?
10:44 - Configure JHipster to Work with Okta
14:37 - Create Docker Images for Your Microservices
16:53 - What About Kotlin Microservices?
17:20 - How Do I Deploy to the Cloud?
18:08 - Should You Go Reactive?
19:08 - Stay Hip with JHipster!
#Java #Reactive #Microservices
Okta is a developer API service that stores user accounts for your web apps, mobile apps, and APIs.
Table of Contents:
00:00 - Intro to Reactive Java Microservices
01:55 - Java with Spring MVC vs WebFlux
02:49 - Build a Reactive Java Microservices Architecture
03:19 - Install JHipster 7
06:33 - Run Your Reactive Java Microservices
07:20 - JHipster Oh-My-Zsh Plugin
08:32 - JHipster Microservices Demo
09:39 - Prepare Your Reactive Java Stack for Production
09:57 - Why Not Stateless with OAuth?
10:44 - Configure JHipster to Work with Okta
14:37 - Create Docker Images for Your Microservices
16:53 - What About Kotlin Microservices?
17:20 - How Do I Deploy to the Cloud?
18:08 - Should You Go Reactive?
19:08 - Stay Hip with JHipster!
#Java #Reactive #Microservices
Okta is a developer API service that stores user accounts for your web apps, mobile apps, and APIs.
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