How the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer | WHILE THE REST OF US DIE

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During times of economic catastrophe, the government bails out financial institutions and leaves everyday people suffering from poverty.

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profits are privatized while losses are socialized


Once skilled workers in a factory used to be able to support themselves and their whole family. Nowadays skilled workers in a factory can barely pay the rent.


America's middle class has been fading away for a long time now, you have to be blind to not see it. Lack of affordable housing will only accelerate it.


No one went to jail for giving out loans that were predatory, with initial low interest and payments, to a huge predatory interest rate. The government could have saved families instead of banks. The banks that caused the market crash were saved. The banks wrote the loans that destroyed lives. And the banks got richer off tax payer handouts.


The greed in the U.S. is just unrivalled.


"I am sorry, I had a really rough month and I am about to lose my house."
Government - "Tough. It's your life, your decisions."
Also government to banks - "Sh*t happens. Here are some billions to make it easier for you. Without you, the economy is gone and people will suffer."
Banks - "Oh well, how generous of you!". Proceeds to kick out people who are unable to pay the loans for their houses.
Also banks - "Everyone should pull their weight and feel the consequences of their bad decision making...".


The richest 1% are trying to destroy the middle class .CEO's, since Reagans days, have been giving themselves exponential raises annually, to the point where the wage gap has become huge .Reagan made it a law that corporations don't have to worry about the ever fluctuating economy .That burden was placed on the workers, instead .


Don't forget the foreign policy spending, corruption, and lack of accountability in our government. When will Americans say enough?


The takeaway is that the institutions learned their lesson. They are really going to crush people this time. 2008 will look like comedy compared to what is happening now.


We should all stop paying federal income tax. Over 1 million people not paying taxes by April 15. They can't lock us all up.


But when we demand and kind of relief we get told we're entitled and spoiled... Yet how exactly are we spoiled? We die sooner... Live in mental anguish... Get told we're weak and worthless if we complain... Are up to our eyeballs in debt... Risk homelessness... Being shot at random... Have horrible education... Literally told we should work ourselves to death and be greatful for the opportunity to do so... Can't buy a house... Can't afford a car... We almost can't afford to eat... How is this spoiled?... And yes it is your fault... We're not demanding the high life... Just a chance to actually live... To be safe healthy and happy... Y'all told us to dream big... And that we could do anything... But an individual can only do so much... We are at the mercy of a system that exploits us... Then punishes us when we fail which we were set up to do... Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and wake up... Because we're hurting, struggling, and suffering and I'm getting damn tried of being told we're spoiled when our lives are living hell... Working harder only matters if it is rewarded... The hardest working people have the least... It's not all your fault... We are the products of Society... Broken societies produce broken people... There is only so much we actually have control over in our lives... Stop believing the lies... Your are not a failure... It is a failure of society to not allow you the tools and opportunities to succeed... In this day and age with the amount of technology we have and advancements we've made... We can feed the world several times over... We have the tech to run the world sustainably... The medical knowledge and treatments to have everyone live longer healthier lives... In the past these things were impossible... But they are here Now... The only thing preventing a truly modern utopia of prosperity are those in power... The future is here now... But like it always has been those that allowed for the creation of all this... Will never be able to reap the benefits of what they put the most into creating... Those that have had the least have always worked the hardest to build up and enrich the few... There is no real reason for any child on earth to go hungry or die of an infection... But unfortunately the greed and exploitation has destroyed our planet and the powers that be are perfectly happy to let us all suffer in the long run for a quick buck... I have no solution for this... But we were so naive to ever expect those with power to ever life a finger to aid those that have none... Yes our technology, knowledge, understanding, and abilities have advanced to an amazing level... But the hearts of the greedy and powerful never did... We are after all only human... So should we ever have expected anything less...


Those same institutions, corporations are wringing us out again with artificial inflation.


I gotta say that i gathered this myself; but having it laid out like this so bluntly really does make one pretty angry all over again.


The biggest con pulled on consumers is gas prices
They fluctuate in an instant based on the possibility of a future slowdown in production but really the consumer is paying more just so that the gas companies and can continue to make the same profits or more without taking any kind of loss
Products like eggs and milk didn't just get pricier in a day but instead the price was raised over time


It’s ironic when someone like Bernie Sanders tried to level the playing field a little bit, the outcry was him and that movement was too socialist. But I don’t think most know what benefits socialism is. In the end, most are losing out on the fact that they are being stubborn.


Because the voters are totally servile and clueless. They should at least elect those that understand what the life of the working class people is like.


Let the financial institutions fail the next time this happens.


Just business as usual, why anyone sticks up for capitalism is beyond me.


What we should have done is when banks fail due to their irresponsibility, is that the government should have bought said banks out and made the owners pay their obligations with the money they received in exchange for the buyout, then split up and auctioned off the banks to more responsible managers.

The 'stimulus' should have come with strings attached: you give up some of your ownership (which you've proven to be too irresponsible for) in exchange for the money.


The reason gave about not being able to afford subprime loans is simplistic. If the loans were locked in at a fixed rate then the housing market wouldn't have collapsed that bad. However those loans were variable rates similar to credit cards which are great when interest rates are low but skyrocket when the rates go up.
