Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka Client | Microservices | Developer's Guide

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Today we're going to take a look at how to master the Netflix Eureka client using Spring Cloud. Netflix Eureka is a great tool that allows us to manage our Netflix queue from our applications. In this video, we'll go over the basics of Netflix Eureka and how to use Spring Cloud to create a Netflix Eureka client.

If you're a Netflix Eureka developer and want to learn how to create a fast and easy Netflix Eureka client, then this is the video for you! By the end of the video, you'll have a firm understanding of how the Netflix Eureka client works and be able to create custom applications to manage your Netflix queue!

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Hi I am started learning microservices and I configured the service discovery and client service as you did in your videos, but on eureka server I am unable to see any instance of my client. For doing this I'm using my office laptop so there any issue of my machine in this or anything else .


me just new to spring microservices . so i saw there are are deferent microservices aritecture like saga, even driven...
but Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka Client, service registry under which design pattern it follows?


You should include the clients call to different microservices
