Unraveling Revelation: Who is Like Tyre?

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JOHN WAS INSPIRED to draw from the Hebrew prophets when he wrote the Book of Revelation. One of the clearest examples is Babylon the Great, which has obvious parallels to the ancient Phoenician city of Tyre.

Like Babylon, Tyre was founded by Amorites. Like Tyre, end times Babylon will be mourned by kings, merchants, and shipmasters who grew rich through the trading empires of the two cities. And, continuing an ancient Amorite tradition, Tyre was infamous for sacrificing children to the gods, a practice it spread around the Mediterranean world through the colonies it established, such as Tharros on Sardinia (possibly the biblical Tarshish) and Carthage.

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The best part of these vids is the incredible historical details... I don't get that anywhere else... keep it up... Rest in peace Michael Heiser, faithful servant


THANK YOU for all the teaching in this video! I get discouraged on days you spend more time on promotions and ads than teaching. ❤


Something special and fun being the 1st, 10th & for this time, the 100th person to hit "like" 👍
God Bless u both!


I so enjoy your videos, have learned so much about the Bible. Keep them coming, I'll be watching. The amount of research you have done is mind boggling, God is truly blessing you both.


skepticism makes everything more fun imo


I think it’s interesting, that Hercules was a demigod when he was alive during the time of the ancient Greeks, and he was a fully fledged God during the time of the Romans, who I guess, worshiped him as such, and maybe his avatars or reincarnated bodies as the emperors 5:42 that’s incredible.
I’ve also heard that there has been multiple Hercules, like Dionysus and you could plug in the words dying and rising god and it applies to them.
I heard Cush was really this person named Nimrod, Nimrod just means rebellion, so Nimrod would be the sons of Cush and Cush sounds like Cronus who was the son of Uranus or Saturn or maybe Cronus is really Ham whose descendants are Baal-Hammon of Carthage and I heard Dionysus and Krishna and Shiva.


Hello Derek and Sharon, I just wanted to say thank you for all of your work that you both do in providing these interesting studies.

As the song goes "Everyone wants to rule the world"...and as such do you think that the ownership over the "world" system (one of the three enemies of man) factors into these prophetical texts? Perhaps, this destruction we read about is God taking away this entity's control over the earth, because God has purposed another to do so...the beast.

As I read James 5:1-6, it seems as though he is referring to those who are extremely wealthy (perhaps global elitists), who dwell on the earth in the last days, and this is the appointed time of their destruction. Is it possible as we read about the harlot riding the beast in Rev 17, that the harlot (those that control of the world system (perhaps global elitists)) is actually using the beast to destabilize the nations of the earth in order to gain their control over the nations. Today, and for the foreseeable future, we see mass migration funded by the global elitists to "flood" the nations of the world in an effort to destabilize their countries, and to repopulate them outnumbering the nationals. Their goal is to establish "no borders", "no nations", just one world, and one world government where only the elites rule. This tactic is indeed a way of gaining control, however, the beast will have finally migrated in sufficient numbers to gain their own worldwide dominance. The beast, unified by it's leader, will no longer have need of the harlot, and will bring the harlot to its end.

In the end, God has ordained that the beast will destroy the harlot, and God Himself will destroy the beast, and deliver Jacob out from his trouble. For God will bring forth the new covenant upon the house of Israel, and the house of Judah (Jer 31:31-34) when He comes, and will bless Jacob as is written in Isaiah 14:1For the Lord will have compassion on Jacob and will again choose Israel, and will set them in their own land, and sojourners will join them and will attach themselves to the house of Jacob. 2And the peoples will take them and bring them to their place, and the house of Israel will possess them in the Lord’s land as male and female slaves.a They will take captive those who were their captors, and rule over those who oppressed them.


Nations is misunderstand most of the time by being tied to LAND. It has always been about people. When a people CLAIM a land they BRING their assigned "god" with them. The TABERNACLE design instructed BY YHWH was for the express purpose of GOING WITH THE PEOPLE...God is wherever you are. It is what Thomas meant by "Split a piece of wood & I AM there; lift a rock & you will find ME (Iam; YH) there". God has always been with us but it is the indvidual has to open the door to YHWH & LISTEN (be still; patient).


When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.
Deut. 23:8 😏🤔

he said it says "sons of God" thats not what it says i even looked it up in the Hebrew


I am saddened by such presentations for their continual inaccuracies about who the antichrist is and when he arises. Daniel’s visions answer these questions.

1. Daniel is plainly and specifically told his vision experiences are about the “time at the end”. Therefore, those who attempt to connect old past events to Daniel’s visions could not be more wrong.

2. Daniel’s visions tell us plainly and specifically that the antichrist (aka known in Daniel’s visions as the little horn, the final king of the north and the vile person, rises to power in the nation with the greatest military of the planet.

3. However, the king of the north’s military is not the only powerful military on the planet at the time. Daniel details 6 wars fought between the successive kings of the north and successive kings of the south. Therefore, there is no one-world government. How could there be with such wars and a military capable of challenging the king of the north?

4. Daniel also tells us how the vile person rises to power. The little horn subdues 3 of the 10 kings within the vile person’s kingdom. He “pulls them up by their roots” in his rise to power. And he comes to power “speaking flatteries” and “peace”.

5. Daniel also tells when he rises to power: In the estate (institution) of a king (a king of the north) known as a “raiser of taxes” whose time in power is only “for a few days”, the vile person rises to power. Again, unequitable facts presented by Daniel.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of all that is revealed about the antichrist in Daniel’s vision experiences. So, one may ask why these presenters keep getting it so wrong?

God always reveals to man the future. But in this case, God ordained that the understanding of two (2) of the visions in Daniel about the “time at the end” be withheld (“sealed”) until the “time at the end” had arrived. These last 2 visions were “unsealed” not that long ago. However, we are just now discovering the understanding of their full meaning as expressed in the specific interpretations Daniel was given. Because 2 of these visions were sealed until the time at the end had arrived, it was impossible to understand the visions until they were unsealed.

Further, in order to accurately understand the visions in Daniel about the time at the end, you must understand all 5 of the visions in the sequence they are presented. Together, they form a complete picture …as they are each from different perspectives on the same topic. Each vision of the 5 visions adds additional related details to the picture, but all culminate into one larger, detailed political picture AND political sequence. So, until these two visions were unsealed, it was not possible to understand the visions accurately. Why this fact is ignored is beyond me.

God doesn’t play dice. Everything He does is on purpose. This is why to gain a good understanding of the visions; they must be understood in the order God presents them.

We are well into this sequence of events described in Daniel’s last vision, which is by far the most detailed vision. We are actually now witnessing the rise of the most powerful political leader the world has ever seen. He will slowly unveil himself as he does not want his real identity known until the right time. For him, that is 3.5 years into a peace treaty he will be negotiating after he takes office in 2024.

Daniel tells us what is unfolding right before our eyes today and in the years just ahead. We can literally find a political blueprint of the sequence of events unfolding today in Danial’s final vision.

The nation the little horn leads is “the most powerful nation on earth”, but interestingly, the vision also describes it as a “divided nation” as “iron does not mix with clay” and where “truth is thrown to the ground”. It is a nation “diverse” from previous great kingdoms. It will be “partly strong and partly broken” as are the “Ten toes of iron and clay”. This nation is the United States; the fourth beast in Daniels vision.

Today, no other nation is as powerful militarily as the United States. The US was founded on principles never before actually tried with any previous earthly government. And never before had such an “experiment” in governance produced such fantastic results for its people.

People need to remember that the USA was primarily founded by those who inherited the old Roman Empire. The inheritors of the old Roman Empire migrated to the “new World” as they called it. The 10 kings within this empire are 10 super-elites who wield enormous political and financial power over the USA.

In Daniel’s sequence of events we are experiencing the 3rd of 6 wars between successive kings of the north and kings of the south. The peace treaty is negotiated by the next and final king of the north with the final king of the south.

The 4th war is won by the king of the north by “casting devices” on the military of the king of the south. Moreover, Daniel is told the king of the north is currently also “cast devices” on others to keep any opposing actions in check.

I always thought it was strange how the USA doesn’t seem to be prominent in Revelations. However, it wasn’t until I began to read, study and slowly understand the 5 visions in Daniel about the “time at the end” that the USA’s role becomes crystal clear. I was truly surprised.
