April 1857 General Conference

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Text sources: Deseret News. "Minutes of the General Conference." April 15, 1857: pg. 43-44.
Ferguson, James. "Remarks." Deseret News, May 20, 1857: pg. 82.
Kimball, Heber C. "Temple and Endowments—Raising Grain and Building Storehouses—Dedication" Journal of Discourses. Volume 5. April 6, 1857: pg. 18-23.
Snow, Lorenzo. "Filial Duty--Consecration, Etc." Journal of Discourses. Volume 5. April 9, 1857: pg. 63-66.
Wells, Daniel H. "Indebtedness to the P. E. Fund—Public Works—True Prosperity—Dependence on the Lord—Self-Consecration" Journal of Discourses. Volume 4. April 6, 1857: pg. 308-311.
Woodruff, Wilford. "The Latter-Day Work—Necessity of An Inspired Leader to Stand at the Head of Israel, Etc., and to Dictate in Spiritual and Temporal Affairs" Journal of Discourses. Volume 4. April 8, 1857: pg. 320-323.
Woodruff, Wilford. "Necessity of Adhering to the Priesthood in Preference to Science and Art" Journal of Discourses. Volume 6. April 9, 1857: pg. 82-86.
Young, Brigham. "Object of the Express Carrying Company—Why Success Attends the Ministerial Labors of Some Elders, and Not Those of Others—Counsel to Store Up Grain Enough to Last Seven Years" Journal of Discourses. Volume 4. April 6, 1857: pg. 302-308.
Young, Brigham. "The Power and Importance of Economy—Domestic Extravagance and Mismanagement, With Their Bad Results" Journal of Discourses. Volume 4. April 6, 1857: pg. 312-320.
Young, John. "Testimony to the Truth—The True Yoke of Christ—Modern Prophets—The World versus the Church, Etc." Journal of Discourses. Volume 6. April 8, 1857: pg. 230-234.
Young, John. "Remarks." Deseret News, April 22, 1857: pg. 51.
Young, Joseph. "Personal Interest in the Kingdom of God—Endowments—Hints to Preachers, Etc." Journal of Discourses. Volume 6. April 8, 1857: pg. 241-247.
Young, Joseph W. "Remarks." Deseret News, May 20, 1857: pg. 82.
​Young, Lorenzo D. "Remarks." Deseret News, May 6, 1857: pg. 67.

Image sources:
Image of Brigham Young: Improvement Era, November 1900.
Image of Daniel H. Wells: Contributor, May 1891.
Image of Heber C. Kimball: Improvement Era, September 1910.
Image of Lorenzo Snow: Improvement Era, June 1899.
Image of Orson Hyde: Improvement Era, January 1911.
Image of Franklin D. Richards: Improvement Era, November 1913.
Image of Wilford Woodruff: Contributor, November 1894.
Image of Christus: Improvement Era, December 1919.
Image of Joseph Young: Wikipedia, Public Domain.
Image of Lorenzo D. Young: Joseph Smith Papers, Public Domain.
Image of Brigham Young, Jr.: Improvement Era, May 1900.
Image of James Ferguson: Overland Pioneers History, Public Domain.
Image of Joseph W. Young: Overland Pioneers History, Public Domain.

All images are in the public domain, as is all text read.

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