41 Phrases For Leading A Business Meeting - Business English (FREE E-Phrasebook)

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Learn 41 of the most common English phrases for leading a business meeting in this short video. You'll learn phrases for managing the discussion, delegating tasks, outlining the agenda and much more.
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The phrases in this lesson:
Welcoming / thanking the participants
- First of all, I’d like to welcome everybody and thank you all for coming to today’s meeting.
- I’d like to start by thanking all of you for agreeing to meet at such short notice.
- Hello everybody and welcome.
Introducing people
- Before we get started, let me introduce …
- I’d like you all to meet …
- Let’s go round the table and introduce ourselves.
Excusing people who are absent
- Unfortunately George can’t join us today - he sends his apologies.
- I’d like to apologise on behalf of Mr. Neary. He can’t be with us today due to …
Dealing with the minutes
- Let's go over the minutes of our last meeting, which was held on June 16th.
- Simon, could you please take the minutes today?
Outlining the agenda
- The purpose / aim / objective of today’s meeting is …
- The first item on the agenda is …
- Then, we’ll move on to item 2, which is ...
- After that, we'll look at …
- And finally, we’ll discuss …
Asking for opinions
- Monika, what are your views on this?
- Mohamed, how do you see it?
- Natalia, can you give us your feedback?
- Would anyone like to comment on this?
- Does anyone have anything else to add?
Asking for clarification / explanation?
- What exactly do you mean by …?
- Could you explain that in more detail?
- Would you mind going over that again please?
- I’m not sure everybody follows, would you mind explaining that again?
Managing the discussion
- I think we can move on to the next point.
- If nobody has anything else to add, let’s move on to the next item.
- I’m afraid we don’t have time to discuss that in today’s meeting. Let’s add it to next week’s agenda.
- I’m sorry, but I have to stop you there – we need to stick to the agenda.
- We’ll have to come back to that at the end of the meeting.
- We’re running out of time, so let’s move on.
Delegating Tasks
- Wolfgang, can you keep everyone up to date with the latest developments?
- Rachel, could you please follow up on …
- Pat, please get in touch with …
- Let me briefly summarise what we've discussed today.
- Before we finish, let me summarise the main points.
- We've decided to …
- We've agreed that …
Closing the meeting
- Well, I think that covers everything.
- That brings us to the end of this meeting.
- Our next meeting will be on …
- Thanks everyone.
Music credits:
Intro music: Far Away by MK2
Background music: Honey and Milk by The 126ers
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The phrases in this lesson:
Welcoming / thanking the participants
- First of all, I’d like to welcome everybody and thank you all for coming to today’s meeting.
- I’d like to start by thanking all of you for agreeing to meet at such short notice.
- Hello everybody and welcome.
Introducing people
- Before we get started, let me introduce …
- I’d like you all to meet …
- Let’s go round the table and introduce ourselves.
Excusing people who are absent
- Unfortunately George can’t join us today - he sends his apologies.
- I’d like to apologise on behalf of Mr. Neary. He can’t be with us today due to …
Dealing with the minutes
- Let's go over the minutes of our last meeting, which was held on June 16th.
- Simon, could you please take the minutes today?
Outlining the agenda
- The purpose / aim / objective of today’s meeting is …
- The first item on the agenda is …
- Then, we’ll move on to item 2, which is ...
- After that, we'll look at …
- And finally, we’ll discuss …
Asking for opinions
- Monika, what are your views on this?
- Mohamed, how do you see it?
- Natalia, can you give us your feedback?
- Would anyone like to comment on this?
- Does anyone have anything else to add?
Asking for clarification / explanation?
- What exactly do you mean by …?
- Could you explain that in more detail?
- Would you mind going over that again please?
- I’m not sure everybody follows, would you mind explaining that again?
Managing the discussion
- I think we can move on to the next point.
- If nobody has anything else to add, let’s move on to the next item.
- I’m afraid we don’t have time to discuss that in today’s meeting. Let’s add it to next week’s agenda.
- I’m sorry, but I have to stop you there – we need to stick to the agenda.
- We’ll have to come back to that at the end of the meeting.
- We’re running out of time, so let’s move on.
Delegating Tasks
- Wolfgang, can you keep everyone up to date with the latest developments?
- Rachel, could you please follow up on …
- Pat, please get in touch with …
- Let me briefly summarise what we've discussed today.
- Before we finish, let me summarise the main points.
- We've decided to …
- We've agreed that …
Closing the meeting
- Well, I think that covers everything.
- That brings us to the end of this meeting.
- Our next meeting will be on …
- Thanks everyone.
Music credits:
Intro music: Far Away by MK2
Background music: Honey and Milk by The 126ers