Hoodlums Attack Oba Of Lagos Palace | TV Independent

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Hoodlums? These are disadvantaged and deprived people. What's wrong with demanding for a piece of what belongs to us all? Pls tender your apology quick.


*"Them belly full but we hungry*
*A hungry mob is an angry mob*
A rain a-fall but the dirt, it tough
*A pot a-cook but the food no 'nough*

Cost of livin' gets so high
The rich and poor they start to cry
*And now the weak must get strong, they say*
*Oh, what a tribulation*

*Dem belly full but me hungry*
*A hungry mob is an angry mob*
A rain a-fall but the dirt it tough
*A pot a-cook but the food no 'nough"* - Bob Marley (Them Belly full, 1974)

"Them Belly Full (But We Hungry)" is a warning against the greedy ruling political class allowing a nation's poor to go hungry, with the prophetic warning that "a hungry mob is an angry mob".


Please be informed:

The Nigerian youth have agreed together in love and oneness that in the 2023 presidential election and in subsequent elections whether state or local government, we will not vote for anyone who has been in politics between 1960 and 2019.

The candidate we are going to vote for, must not be above the age of 50.

APC and PDP is henceforth cancelled and these two parties no longer represent us: the youth of Nigeria.
Going towards, we the youth will be represented by tresh new parties probably formed by the youths of the federal republic of Nigeria - The youth are currently deliberating and strategizing on this.

If you see this post, kindly share it around so that all youth are informed.

Signed: Nigerian Youths

The President’s threatening speech yesterday broke our spirits however, it also aught us many hard lessons.

Many couldn't sleep that night... Our spirits were

We protested for 12 days without vandalisation
12 days of rejecting bribes from high officials,
12 days of caring and looking out for each other.
12 days of giving free medical care and legal services,

Brand names, both national and international celebrities, churches all protested... influential people lobbied to add their voice...

At the protest grounds, the Christians gave room for the Muslims to have their Jumat prayers
Christians had their Sunday service on protest grounds.

There was a candlelight service held all over the nation for fallen heroes.

Despite the hard economy, youths spent their personal money cooking for each other.

No one knew who was a Yoruba, Igbo or Hausa, or Edo. We ate together, sang and chanted together and danced together.

For 12 days, The protests were organised without a formal leader with just social media tweets, retweets, post, shares with hashtags.

For 12 days we built the Nigeria of our dreams and we built their nightmare because the enemy was scared.

They know if we're united we would have one voice,
and if we have one voice, we have power.
And if we have that power. WE WOULD DEMAND FOR A BETTER NIGERIA.
If we're united and not fighting, how would they budget money for security to calm a supposed insurgency?

How will they create religious fights and make money?

So they sponsored hoodlums to disrupt the protest... But we overpowered these hoodlums by getting our own private security and security dogs to guard us on the protest grounds.

When the military who were ordered by "powers beyond their control" to shoot, when they began firing their guns.

They didn't care who was a Muslim or Christian.
They didn't care who was Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Calabar or Urhobo.
They killed unarmed people sitting down and singing the national anthem.
But when they want to instigate tribal wars and religious unrest, they remind you of your tribe and religion?
When they want to make use of you for their selfish monetary and political gain, they tell you to unite and take side with "your people". This is the only time they remind you that you should be one.

Do you all remember how President Buhari contested for presidency 5 times?
He cried on National TV when the Chibok girls were kidnapped.
He promised us heaven and earth.
He campaigned rigorously and vigorously.
He protested against the then government.
We voted Buhari into office thinking he would bring the change he promised. What did we get in return?
We were handled with an iron fist

They do not care about the state of our hospitals because they get medical attention abroad.
They do not care about our educational system because their kids school abroad,
They do not care about electricity because they live in the choicest neighbourhoods with constant electricity.
They travel with private jets so they have no idea how our roads are.
They only need us when they want to win elections. After they have won, they send the military to silence us if we dare remind them of their promises or if we demand for our rights.

We didn't lose this fight. That speech by Buhari on Thursday (22nd of, October, 2020) was a speech full of subtle threats and you only threaten those you are scared of to keep them in line! 😂

They are scared of us
They saw how we mobilised ourselves without a leader,
They saw how we over powered thugs with our numbers,
They saw how organised and cooperated we were. It gave them the chills 😂😂😂

Our parents failed because they did not have enough evidence against their inept and corrupt leaders but we, the internet, A.I and mobile phone generation have, enough evidence to remind them of how evil, wicked, corrupt, ignorant and clueless they are.
Our parents failed because they had less information. But we have a lot of information at our finger tips.

We didn't lose this fight.

We're now aware, awake, and alert.
We know what we're up against and we're ready.

The youth are ready. The youth must now:

1. Get devices that can record conversation and take photos. Imagine if DJ Switch didn't go live on instagram.

2. Add every friend you meet to your social media handle.

3. When you're in the midst of people who consist of mostly youth, engage them in meaningful conversation. Do not engage in tribal sentiments... Most youths are uninformed. If they have the information some of us have they would not have hijacked the protest and they would not be used as thugs.

4. Get your voters card... Get your PVC. If you have political ambitions, start grooming yourself, we do not want to elect those with the mindset of the present leaders we have.

4. Do not give up. DO. NOT. GIVE. UP

5. Please we beg you in the name of Jesus, Allah, Sango, Orisala, Amadioha and everything 'worshipable’ under the sun. *Do not let them sell tribal or religious sentiments to you* .

A Yoruba man, an Igbo man, a Hausa man, an Edo man, a Calabar man, an Urhobo man, a Tiv man, an Efik man, an Esan man, an Itshekiri man, an Ijaw man, an Isoko man, is your brother.

An Igbo woman, Hausa woman and Yoruba woman, a Calabari woman, an Item woman etc., is your sister
Remember the good times we shared at various protest grounds irrespective of tribe and religion. Let us allow Nigeria to come first in our hearts!

We're young,
We are strong,
We are smart,
We are 20 steps ahead of them.
We're their nemesis
We’re the wrong and last generation they will ever mess with.
We just need to re-strategize.

Come 2023
No recycling of past or present leaders or their children or their *mentees* .
Together we the youth, shall save Nigeria and make it great again.

*Share this to everyone in your contact mostly youths. This is not one of those forwarded articles that tells you to share and you will have the blessing of the LORD, ALLAH or you will receive a Miracle from God. Share this only if you want something better to come your way in this country someone's girlfriend named 'Nigeria'.*

*This is meant for the Nigerian youth, our heroes, our chance of a better and greater tomorrow.*
