Make your own Bio gas to save money on LPG

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Please watch: "Do you know which drill bit to use ?"
I have been raising quails for the past six months and wanted to figure out a way to recycle or repurpose quail poop. I checked if quail poop could be fed into biogas plant and the answer is YES!. I went ahead and made a biogas plant.
General misconceptions about the biogas plant are...will it smell?
No it doesn't. It's an airtight system. except while feeding the plant and removing the slurry, it doesn't smell at all.
It is not dangerous if you necessary precautions and it should work fine. Note that you need a special burner for this gas. The link is given below if you would like to purchase it
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A large drum could be an IBC tank, or closed drums. If you are using drums with lids, make sure it is perfectly sealed when completed
I am using 220 Liter sealed drum
4 inch diameter PVC pipe height should be based on the height of the drum you are using
2 inch Tank nipple
2 inch FTA(female threaded adapter
2 inch ball valve and
1 ft 2 inch pvc pipe
2 inch L joint
Half inch brass ball valve 2 nos
Brass t joint haf inch
Threaded brass hose connector
8 nose hose clamps half inch
A truck tube with tube valve removed
Hose as per length.
Epoxy putty to seal eveything


That explanation is honest enough to discuss that 5 mins is the life of one bag of air


I like the honesty. Making videos to share knowledge, not to get fame.


This is by far the best DIY video I've ever seen. I Subbed asap when you mentioned its cons.

I wish DIY channels are these transparent and detailed like you than filling us false hope


I wish every other diy videos were made like this. Thumbs up for an all round well made video


I really appreciate the honesty of your video. A lot of channels who do diy stuff like this related biogas will not say how long such a set up would last and how unreliable it is.


the feedback at the end was really good, it educates us about the actual application of the project. Thank you


This is a really well laid out video and a joy to watch.

I have a digester built from an IBC Tote and am versed in the assembly and operation, however I can always learn more.

I really like how you've presented all of this without the usual false promises of unrealistic gas production for a small biodigester.

Thank you for taking the time to make this video.


Well done. I enjoyed watching your video. I am moving to the Philippines next year and I built a biodigester for my futue wife and her family already. They are familiar with how it works but never owned one before. My soon to be father in law is a farmer and does very well with the amount of land they own. I wish you and your family a good life my friend.


I don"t Know if you check your comments but if you do I would like to offer this: The Japanese I think it is have been building and using a village size version of these for many years and have perfected the design. As you are using barrels I think you could use many of their design features. 1 If you will add a 45 or 90 degree fitting to the bottom of your feed tube aimed along the edge of your barrel it will provide you with a stirring action when you are loading it this will speed up the fermentation time.
2 add another barrel or more to act as gas holding tanks as they hold higher pressures, if you want you might add a in line pressure gauge to see what you total volume of gas is. In the Japanese design they use all types of slurry materials, Their systems are large concrete flattened ball tanks that are placed in the center of a village size community. All the houses and barns have feed pipes that run into the ball at a 45 degree angle along the outer edge so as to provide the stirring action I mentioned above. another feature they have is a large pound built over top of the ball. This serves a couple things, I protects against gas leaking and spountanioucly combusting, As methane can do when it is mixed with air in large quantities to fast ( very dangerous ) And it also provides for raising tallopia fish or catfish ( as these fish do not require moving water for oxagynation to live ) for food. with their systems they use a top unload man hole. but with you side extraction pipe I would suggest this barry the set of barrels into the side of a hill, with a man made pound on top with water level above tanks but below feeder tube. allow the run off line to go down hill to a point where you can collect it for use as fertilizer. ( the reason the Japanese can use human waist in their systems is because it is built from concrete and can build up inner temperatures of over 180 degrees so it kills harmful bacteria that will harm humans. By doing these things I think you will increase the amount of gas and possibly the rate at which it is produced, for sure the pressure at which it can be stored safely. Yes I've been studying these systems for many years now. Sorry for bad spelling Dislexia is a real bother lol


You can paint the barrel black to make it absorb more heat in the winter. In the summer, a pool of water submerging the base to wick away excess heat.


As an environment engineer, i would suggest you to add a mixer and add some organic digestate to improve microbial activity and increase methane
And if possible add a gas compressor to compress the gas and improve the


Fantastic honest opinion and demonstrated the flaws, you've earned my sub.
How about a barrel within a barrel as the reservoir? think of a glass held upside down inside a fish tank and you release the gas into the glass, the pressure of the water will give you a decent pressure to release it.


Good Job, Man! I second that the outflow tube can be higher on the barrel to increase the digesting volume which would increase possible gas production. The bacteria used doesn't need airspace, other than for the collection reservoir which could be bigger and have a removable weight of some kind that could be put on the reservoir to increase the gas pressure when you want to use it. People often pass the bio gas through a tube full of steel wool to scrub the NOx out before sending it to the reservoir ... The bacteria does need to be kept warm to work best, at least 75°F, If I'm remembering correctly... Hoping people find this on a community level as one of the solutions to the "energy crises" ... God bless!


Trust me Bro this is the one of the best video about building a biodigester, everything is well explained, keep it up Bro 👍


This is one of the simplest and easiest to understand videos I've seen on bio gas digesters. Well done on keeping it simple and easy to understand. Even my dumbass brother could understand this.


This is the most detailed and truthful video I have watched! Thank you for being honest in telling the truth about your experiment which was about the "flashback arrestor" you failed/forgot to connect as well as the capacity of one barrel. These are important information that a person like me who wants to start an off-the-grid community really needs to know. I wish to meet you in person!


beautiful explained in the blackboard, I always wondered why they leave the top of the pipe open in the piping system used at our home.


Thank you very much. I made it months ago and I faced those problems and just didn't know why. Thanks


thank you for being honest about the capacity of the tube
